CodingTrain / Suggestion-Box

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Soundboard #468

Open lustigo opened 7 years ago

lustigo commented 7 years ago

Build a Soundboard with an old keyboard and a Raspberry PI

shiffman commented 7 years ago

i should really really do this!

lustigo commented 7 years ago

btw you took too long to upload the plinko code, i´ve written my own (or for source) 3:30am, so time to get to bed xD

WillMacI commented 7 years ago

Using A Raspberry Pi To Run Javascript/P5.JS

That sounds like a really good idea. I have recently tried to use a raspberry pi to run p5.Js code on a node server. The code works on every type of computer but the raspberry pi. I think it is something to do with its low-quality browser that comes pre-installed on the raspberry pi. I will try to switch the operating system and get back to you.