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Uniform tiling symmetry mutations. #81

Open slowizzm opened 7 years ago

slowizzm commented 7 years ago

*n32 symmetry mutation (Noncompact hyperbolic, 312i)

*n42 symmetry mutation of dual expanded tilings (Paracomp., V3.4.∞.4)

*n42 symmetry mutation of truncated tilings (Paracomp., V4.∞.∞)

hyperbolic tilings ...

Rhombitriheptagonal tiling (rr{7,3}

Hyperbolic plane tilings (n = 7...∞) *832

dual tiling face configuration V3.16.16.

Dan-Ritchie commented 7 years ago

Looks pretty cool

Hjagu09 commented 7 months ago

This is called hyperbolic geometry and specifically a Poincaré disk model. We should probably change the title of this issue :)


Edit: sorry I'm wrong, I'm going to open my own issue