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GAN - Generative Adversarial Networks and creative generative art #950

Open eporat opened 6 years ago

eporat commented 6 years ago

Hi Dan,

Here is a link to a video about "Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation". I think it captures the amazing things you can do with neural networks. Demonstration of GANs

Also, there are many videos online on "deep dreams" An example

All of these videos were created with GANs\Generative Adversarial Networks. These are a class of neural networks, mainly in unsupervised learning. Wikipedia Link

They were used for the Pix2Pix model also see Pix2Pix Article.

Sentdex has recently done a series about unusual neural networks, where he covered GANs. There is also a Computerphile video on this subject. These videos are amazing about learning how GANs work, but they don't cover their inner workings. Also, I haven't seen anyone on YouTube talk about the cool art that can be made with GANs, and the creative coding opportunities.

Maybe it would be interesting to have a mini-series about GANs, something like "Generative Adversarial Networks for Artists". Starting with how GANs really work and then moving on to TensorFlow.js and the hvass-labs tutorials and finally have community contributions and showcase community art.

I know you'll be able to make this interesting and easy to understand.

Hope you like my idea. Best regards,


eporat commented 6 years ago

I found this very cool article on gans. Interesting read.

dinovandeijzen commented 4 years ago

would love to see the conditional-GAN with P5 as it gives a workflow to input a picture to generate a prediction. perfect for ML5, the pix2pix done in Ml5 would be a great attribute to the ml5 coding train series (+ very fun)