CodingTrain / asteroids-advanced

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This is a git flow based project #1

Open ada-lovecraft opened 7 years ago

ada-lovecraft commented 7 years ago

We're not using the full weight of true git flow but we are using a light version of it.

The number one rule of git flow is:

Master branch should be production ready at all times

This. means you will not be allowed to make a pull request against master.

The secondary rule of git flow is:

You may not break the development branch.

If your code causes a crash, it will not be accepted.

So, how do I git flow then?

It's actually pretty easy.

  1. $ git clone
  2. $ cd asteroids-advanced
  3. $ git checkout -b feature/name-of-your-feature
  4. Work in your feature branch until you're done.
  5. Stage your working files and commit them with a short message
  6. Push your changes up to the repo
  7. Create a new pull request against development
  8. @shiffman, myself, and/or another member of the organization will look over it, and either accept it, or reject it with helpful criticism as to how to get it accepted.
  9. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.


To make sure you've ready this, please comment with your favorite coding related gif below. If there's no comment from you, then your pull will not be accepted.


    it's time



NaveTK commented 7 years ago

I'm ready! alt

MunWolf commented 7 years ago

alt text

JonathanHHenson commented 7 years ago


Limeliz commented 7 years ago

\o/ brucehacker

meiamsome commented 7 years ago

So where does gh-pages factor into this? Does it track development or master?

Also, you squashed the history into one commit on master/development, which seems like a questionable idea as now the histories are not the same between gh-pages & these two.

MunWolf commented 7 years ago

gh-pages is the github pages branch, aka is that branch.

Also he probably squashed it to fully seperate it from the old repo (thats my best guess)

ada-lovecraft commented 7 years ago

@meiamsome @WolfGaming Please see #19

gh-pages is now no longer a branch. Static content is now hosted from the docs directory.