AAU, I want to be able to add a Salesforce static resource zip file to a "resource bundle" in atom-sfdc-ba, this will then give the user the ability to edit the contents of that file directly, and quickly rezip and send it to Salesforce
Command 1: Create resource bundle on a .resource file in project. This will create a directory with the unzipped contents of the file in the project under /resource-bundles/.resource/
Command 2: Upload resource bundle. This will zip the contents of the /resource-bundles/.resource/ directory and update it via the existing Salesforce Metadata Update feature.
AAU, I want to be able to add a Salesforce static resource zip file to a "resource bundle" in atom-sfdc-ba, this will then give the user the ability to edit the contents of that file directly, and quickly rezip and send it to Salesforce
Command 1: Create resource bundle on a .resource file in project. This will create a directory with the unzipped contents of the file in the project under /resource-bundles/.resource/
Command 2: Upload resource bundle. This will zip the contents of the /resource-bundles/.resource/ directory and update it via the existing Salesforce Metadata Update feature.