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Failure to authorize when trying to sign up #6

Closed liber-tas closed 1 year ago

liber-tas commented 1 year ago

fter installing PyCharm plugin, clicked the "Sign in with Github", authorized the access at github, then I get this in the browser at the codium website:

401 Failed to Authorize. Fail to create Mixpanel user: (redacted email)

And this in PyCharm: Screenshot from 2023-03-22 09-20-30

I also tried "Sign in with Google" using a different email address, and got the same result.

ArtsiomCh commented 1 year ago

Hi @liber-tas
Thank you for reporting! Could you please try latest 0.4.5 version and let us know if you able to sign in?

liber-tas commented 1 year ago

I upgraded to 0.4.5, still having the same issue. Here's the URL in the browser BTW, goes to localhost which seems a bit... off:

http://localhost:63342/codium.codium?provider=google&token=eyJhb... (token abbreviated)

ArtsiomCh commented 1 year ago

Interesting... Do you have any firewall that could block some connections? Would you mind to collect log and send it to me (privately) please? PS localhost is fine here, we need to do redirect back to ide from auth provider.

liber-tas commented 1 year ago

@ArtsiomCh - how do I send the log to you privately?

liber-tas commented 1 year ago

Here is an error that seems related:

023-03-22 16:56:15,003 [12464652] INFO - #codeium.y - [Language Server]: E0322 16:56:14.987926 808948 unleash.go:33] Unleash error: Get "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) 2023-03-22 16:56:15,003 [12464652] INFO - #codeium.y - [Language Server]:

The above is surrounded by call to: 2023-03-22 16:56:23,276 [12472925] INFO - okhttp3.OkHttpClient - --> POST

ArtsiomCh commented 1 year ago

@ArtsiomCh - how do I send the log to you privately? sorry, I thought GitHub has ability to send pm but apparently it's not... First INFO is not ours, but second it is. But need to see at least what's around it. Also if you'll enable debug log level for our classes before collecting log, that would help a lot:

  1. Open Help | Diagnostic Tools | Debug Log Settings...

  2. Add the following line: #ai.codium

  3. Click OK

  4. Reproduce the problem.

ArtsiomCh commented 1 year ago

@liber-tas please try latest 0.4.6 version with fix and let me know please if it helps.

liber-tas commented 1 year ago

It works now. Thanks!

ArtsiomCh commented 1 year ago

@liber-tas Please don't forget to remove that #ai.codium from Debug Log Settings otherwise JetBrains (and other plugin) devs will hate us for overcrowded logs :)

liber-tas commented 1 year ago

Good catch - I would have left it there - thanks!