Codium-ai / cover-agent

CodiumAI Cover-Agent: An AI-Powered Tool for Automated Test Generation and Code Coverage Enhancement! 💻🤖🧪🐞
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Azure OpenAI auth #104

Open aleixvilaseca opened 1 week ago

aleixvilaseca commented 1 week ago

Hello, I am trying to use Azure OpenAI to run the agent but this is not possible for me because I have to add a key and endpoint for it to work properly. Everything works correctly when I set the variable with the openAI token (sk-xx-xxxx), but it is impossible for me to do it from Azure OPenAI. Any recommendations? Is there a way to do it?


betnevs commented 5 days ago

You can set Azure OpenAI endpoint and key in system environment, for example:

export AZURE_API_KEY=my-api-key
export AZURE_API_BASE=my-api-base
export AZURE_API_VERSION=2024-02-01

Then run your command,the underlying code uses LiteLLM to do the transformation.