Codium-ai / cover-agent

CodiumAI Cover-Agent: An AI-Powered Tool for Automated Test Generation and Code Coverage Enhancement! ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿค–๐Ÿงช๐Ÿž
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
4.24k stars 300 forks source link

Multi-language support #17

Closed rohitpaulk closed 2 months ago

rohitpaulk commented 4 months ago

I was trying this on a Ruby codebase, and the suggested tests seemed to be Python tests. The README seems to mention that multi-language support is present.

Example of a generated test:

def test_update_auto_approve_feedback():
    Test the update action to ensure feedback is auto-approved if explanation is blank and submission is closed.
    repository = create(:repository, user: current_user)
    course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage)

    put "/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}", params: {
      data: {
        attributes: {
          "selected-answer": "๐Ÿ˜Š",
          status: "closed"
    }, as: :json

    expect(response).to be_successful
    expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)

and here's what a test in the file currently looks like:

      it "does not auto-approve feedback if explanation is present & submission is closed" do
        put "/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}", params: {
          data: {
            attributes: {
              "selected-answer": "๐Ÿ˜Š",
              explanation: "Dummy explanation",
              status: "closed"
        }, as: :json

        expect(response).to be_successful

        expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(false)

This is what my usage looks like:

cover-agent \
    --source-file-path "app/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller.rb" \
    --test-file-path "spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" \
    --code-coverage-report-path "coverage/coverage.xml" \
    --test-command "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" \
    --test-command-dir "." \
    --coverage-type "cobertura" \
    --desired-coverage 90 \
    --max-iterations 10
EmbeddedDevops1 commented 4 months ago

@rohitpaulk Are you able to provide the initial logs up until the first or two generated tests so we can investigate it?

For example:

$ poetry run cover-agent \
  --source-file-path "templated_tests/python_fastapi/" \
  --test-file-path "templated_tests/python_fastapi/" \
  --code-coverage-report-path "templated_tests/python_fastapi/coverage.xml" \
  --test-command "pytest --cov=. --cov-report=xml --cov-report=term" \
  --test-command-dir "templated_tests/python_fastapi" \
  --coverage-type "cobertura" \
  --desired-coverage 70 \
  --max-iterations 10
2024-05-21 09:30:48,069 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running initial build/test command to generate coverage report: "pytest --cov=. --cov-report=xml --cov-report=term"
2024-05-21 09:30:49,060 - cover_agent.main - INFO - Current Coverage: 60.47%
2024-05-21 09:30:49,061 - cover_agent.main - INFO - Desired Coverage: 70%
2024-05-21 09:30:49,300 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Token count for LLM model gpt-4o: 1464
Streaming results from LLM model...
def test_current_date():
    Test the /current-date endpoint by sending a GET request and checking the response status code and JSON body.
    response = client.get("/current-date")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert "date" in response.json()
    assert response.json()["date"] ==
def test_add():
    Test the /add/{num1}/{num2} endpoint by sending a GET request with two integers and checking the response status code and JSON body.
    response = client.get("/add/3/5")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.json() == {"result": 8}
EmbeddedDevops1 commented 4 months ago

@rohitpaulk There's also a test_results.html that gets generated with a full breakdown containing the test and the errors along with it. Any chance you can include that as well?

rohitpaulk commented 4 months ago

Just checked test_results.html, and it mostly contains errors that suggest there are syntax errors (as expected). Example:

``` While loading ./spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb a `raise SyntaxError` occurred, RSpec will now quit. Failure/Error: __send__(method, file) SyntaxError: --> /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb Unmatched keyword, missing `end' ? 3 RSpec.describe API::CourseStageFeedbackSubmissionsController, type: :request do  142 end > 145 def test_create_with_valid_data():  /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb:145: syntax error, unexpected ':' (SyntaxError) ... test_create_with_valid_data(): ... ^ /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb:181: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input ...n.repository).to eq(repository) ... ^ # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/rspec-core-3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb:2138:in `load' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/rspec-core-3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb:2138:in `load_file_handling_errors' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/rspec-core-3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb:1638:in `block in load_spec_files' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/rspec-core-3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb:1636:in `each' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/rspec-core-3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb:1636:in `load_spec_files' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/rspec-core-3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/runner.rb:102:in `setup' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/rspec-core-3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/runner.rb:86:in `run' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/rspec-core-3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/runner.rb:71:in `run' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/rspec-core-3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/runner.rb:45:in `invoke' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/rspec-core-3.13.0/exe/rspec:4:in `' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/bin/rspec:25:in `load' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/bin/rspec:25:in `' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/bundler-2.5.9/lib/bundler/cli/exec.rb:58:in `load' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/bundler-2.5.9/lib/bundler/cli/exec.rb:58:in `kernel_load' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/bundler-2.5.9/lib/bundler/cli/exec.rb:23:in `run' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/bundler-2.5.9/lib/bundler/cli.rb:451:in `exec' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/bundler-2.5.9/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/command.rb:28:in `run' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/bundler-2.5.9/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/invocation.rb:127:in `invoke_command' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/bundler-2.5.9/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor.rb:527:in `dispatch' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/bundler-2.5.9/lib/bundler/cli.rb:34:in `dispatch' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/bundler-2.5.9/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/base.rb:584:in `start' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/bundler-2.5.9/lib/bundler/cli.rb:28:in `start' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/bundler-2.5.9/exe/bundle:28:in `block in ' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/bundler-2.5.9/lib/bundler/friendly_errors.rb:117:in `with_friendly_errors' # /Users/rohitpaulk/experiments/codecrafters/core/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/bundler-2.5.9/exe/bundle:20:in `' # /Users/rohitpaulk/.rbenv/versions/3.2.3/bin/bundle:25:in `load' # /Users/rohitpaulk/.rbenv/versions/3.2.3/bin/bundle:25:in ` ```

I don't have the logs from when I ran this, but I did find a file called "run.log" in case that helps. Contents:

``` 2024-05-21 16:35:25,901 - __main__ - INFO - Current Coverage: 80.0% 2024-05-21 16:35:25,902 - __main__ - INFO - Desired Coverage: 90% 2024-05-21 16:36:10,181 - __main__ - INFO - Current Coverage: 80.0% 2024-05-21 16:36:10,181 - __main__ - INFO - Desired Coverage: 90% 2024-05-21 16:36:46,759 - __main__ - INFO - Current Coverage: 80.0% 2024-05-21 16:36:46,759 - __main__ - INFO - Desired Coverage: 90% 2024-05-21 16:37:14,824 - __main__ - INFO - Current Coverage: 80.0% 2024-05-21 16:37:14,824 - __main__ - INFO - Desired Coverage: 90% 2024-05-21 16:38:14,336 - __main__ - INFO - Current Coverage: 80.0% 2024-05-21 16:38:14,336 - __main__ - INFO - Desired Coverage: 90% 2024-05-21 16:38:47,202 - __main__ - INFO - Current Coverage: 80.0% 2024-05-21 16:38:47,202 - __main__ - INFO - Desired Coverage: 90% 2024-05-21 16:39:23,694 - __main__ - INFO - Current Coverage: 80.0% 2024-05-21 16:39:23,695 - __main__ - INFO - Desired Coverage: 90% 2024-05-21 16:39:56,048 - __main__ - INFO - Current Coverage: 80.0% 2024-05-21 16:39:56,048 - __main__ - INFO - Desired Coverage: 90% 2024-05-21 16:40:32,996 - __main__ - INFO - Current Coverage: 80.0% 2024-05-21 16:40:32,996 - __main__ - INFO - Desired Coverage: 90% 2024-05-21 16:41:09,390 - __main__ - INFO - Current Coverage: 80.0% 2024-05-21 16:41:09,390 - __main__ - INFO - Desired Coverage: 90% 2024-05-21 16:41:41,655 - __main__ - INFO - Reached maximum iteration limit without achieving desired coverage. erator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:36:03,272 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:36:04,998 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:36:04,999 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:36:06,747 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:36:06,747 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:36:08,456 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:36:08,456 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:36:10,181 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:36:10,199 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Token count for LLM model gpt-4o: 3658 2024-05-21 16:36:35,004 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:36:36,649 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:36:36,649 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:36:38,291 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:36:38,291 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:36:39,935 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:36:39,935 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:36:41,631 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:36:41,631 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:36:43,395 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:36:43,396 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:36:45,060 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:36:45,060 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:36:46,758 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:36:46,779 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Token count for LLM model gpt-4o: 4824 2024-05-21 16:37:05,018 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:37:06,698 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:37:06,698 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:37:08,336 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:37:08,337 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:37:09,928 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:37:09,928 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:37:11,556 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:37:11,556 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:37:13,166 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:37:13,166 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:37:14,824 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:37:14,843 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Token count for LLM model gpt-4o: 5869 2024-05-21 16:37:52,443 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:37:54,111 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:37:54,112 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:37:55,809 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:37:55,809 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:37:57,493 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:37:57,493 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:37:59,172 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:37:59,173 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:00,862 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:00,862 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:02,567 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:02,567 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:04,243 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:04,244 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:05,943 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:05,943 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:07,608 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:07,609 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:09,289 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:09,289 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:10,970 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:10,970 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:12,670 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:12,670 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:14,336 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:14,357 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Token count for LLM model gpt-4o: 8080 2024-05-21 16:38:35,267 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:36,946 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:36,947 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:38,692 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:38,693 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:40,425 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:40,426 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:42,135 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:42,135 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:43,833 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:43,833 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:45,527 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:45,528 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:38:47,202 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:38:47,224 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Token count for LLM model gpt-4o: 9246 2024-05-21 16:39:11,880 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:39:13,606 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:39:13,607 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:39:15,256 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:39:15,256 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:39:16,921 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:39:16,922 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:39:18,618 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:39:18,618 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:39:20,312 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:39:20,312 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:39:22,009 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:39:22,010 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:39:23,694 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:39:23,716 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Token count for LLM model gpt-4o: 10412 2024-05-21 16:39:44,225 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:39:45,905 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:39:45,906 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:39:47,611 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:39:47,611 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:39:49,299 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:39:49,299 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:39:50,952 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:39:50,953 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:39:52,650 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:39:52,650 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:39:54,382 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:39:54,382 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:39:56,047 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:39:56,070 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Token count for LLM model gpt-4o: 11578 2024-05-21 16:40:21,125 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:40:22,787 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:40:22,788 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:40:24,504 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:40:24,504 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:40:26,194 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:40:26,194 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:40:27,870 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:40:27,870 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:40:29,589 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:40:29,589 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:40:31,323 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:40:31,323 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:40:32,995 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:40:33,019 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Token count for LLM model gpt-4o: 12744 2024-05-21 16:40:57,487 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:40:59,180 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:40:59,180 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:41:00,862 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:41:00,862 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:41:02,536 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:41:02,537 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:41:04,223 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:41:04,223 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:41:05,898 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:41:05,898 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:41:07,602 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:41:07,602 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:41:09,390 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:41:09,414 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Token count for LLM model gpt-4o: 13910 2024-05-21 16:41:29,967 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:41:31,657 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:41:31,657 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:41:33,321 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:41:33,322 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:41:34,969 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:41:34,970 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:41:36,639 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:41:36,640 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:41:38,331 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:41:38,332 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:41:39,992 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back 2024-05-21 16:41:39,993 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - INFO - Running test with the following command: "bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/api/course_stage_feedback_submissions_controller_spec.rb" 2024-05-21 16:41:41,655 - cover_agent.UnitTestGenerator - ERROR - Test failed. Rolling back ```
rohitpaulk commented 4 months ago

Also found, which includes the reference file I started with:

## Overview You are a code assistant that generates unit tests and adds them to an existing test file. Your goal is to generate a comprehensive set of test cases to achieve 100% code coverage against the source file, in order to thoroughly test it. First, carefully analyze the provided code. Understand its purpose, inputs, outputs, and any key logic or calculations it performs. Spend significant time considering all different scenarios, including boundary values, invalid inputs, extreme conditions, and concurrency issues like race conditions and deadlocks, that need to be tested. Next, brainstorm a list of test cases you think will be necessary to fully validate the correctness of the code and achieve 100% code coverage. For each test case, provide a clear and concise comment explaining what is being tested and why it's important. After each individual test has been added, review all tests to ensure they cover the full range of scenarios, including how to handle exceptions or errors. For example, include tests that specifically trigger and assert the handling of ValueError or IOError to ensure the robustness of error handling. ## Source File Here is the source file that you will be writing tests against: ``` class API::CourseStageFeedbackSubmissionsController < APIController def create authenticate_user! or return course_stage_feedback_submission = course_stage_feedback_submission.selected_answer = params["data"]["attributes"]["selected-answer"] course_stage_feedback_submission.explanation = params["data"]["attributes"]["explanation"] course_stage_feedback_submission.user = Current.user course_stage_feedback_submission.course_stage = CourseStage.find(params["data"]["relationships"]["course-stage"]["data"]["id"]) course_stage_feedback_submission.repository = Current.user.repositories.find(params["data"]["relationships"]["repository"]["data"]["id"]) if course_stage_feedback_submission.repository.user != Current.user raise "invalid create request, #{course_stage_feedback_submission.repository.user.username} != #{Current.user.username}" end if course_stage_feedback_submission.explanation.blank? course_stage_feedback_submission.is_acknowledged_by_staff = true end! render_jsonapi_response(CourseStageFeedbackSubmissionSerializer, course_stage_feedback_submission, status: 201) end def index course_id = params[:course_id] course = Course.find(course_id) authenticate_staff_or_course_author!(course) or return course_stage_feedback_submissions = CourseStageFeedbackSubmission.where(course_stage: course.stages).order(created_at: :desc).limit(200) render_jsonapi_response(CourseStageFeedbackSubmissionSerializer, course_stage_feedback_submissions) end def update authenticate_user! or return course_stage_feedback_submission = CourseStageFeedbackSubmission.find(params[:id]) course = course_stage_feedback_submission.course_stage.course is_owner = course_stage_feedback_submission.user.eql?(Current.user) is_course_author_or_staff = Current.user.staff? || (Current.user.course_author? && Current.user.authored_course_slugs.include?(course.slug)) if !is_owner && !is_course_author_or_staff raise "invalid update request, #{course_stage_feedback_submission.user.username} != #{Current.user.username}" end if is_owner course_stage_feedback_submission.selected_answer = params["data"]["attributes"]["selected-answer"] course_stage_feedback_submission.explanation = params["data"]["attributes"]["explanation"] course_stage_feedback_submission.status = params["data"]["attributes"]["status"] course_stage_feedback_submission.is_acknowledged_by_staff = course_stage_feedback_submission.explanation.blank? && course_stage_feedback_submission.closed? end if is_course_author_or_staff course_stage_feedback_submission.is_acknowledged_by_staff = params["data"]["attributes"]["is-acknowledged-by-staff"] end! if is_owner && course_stage_feedback_submission.closed? SubmittedCourseStageFeedbackEvent.track_later!( course_stage_feedback_submission: course_stage_feedback_submission ) end render_jsonapi_response(CourseStageFeedbackSubmissionSerializer, course_stage_feedback_submission, status: 201) end end ``` ## Test File Here is the file that contains the test(s): ``` require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe API::CourseStageFeedbackSubmissionsController, type: :request do when_logged_in_as_user describe "PUT /api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/:id" do it "tracks analytics event" do repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: "redis") repository.language.update!(name: "Ruby") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: "init") course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) clear_enqueued_jobs expect_analytics_event!( user: current_user, log_event_name: "submitted_course_stage_feedback", log_message: "#{current_user.username} submitted feedback for stage #1 of the redis course using Ruby: ๐Ÿ˜Š (Dummy explanation).", name: "Submitted course stage feedback", properties: { "Course" => "redis", "Explanation" => "Dummy explanation", "Language" => "Ruby", "Selected Answer" => "๐Ÿ˜Š", "Stage Number" => 1, "Stage Slug" => "init" } ) put "/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}", params: { data: { attributes: { "selected-answer": "๐Ÿ˜Š", explanation: "Dummy explanation", status: "closed" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful perform_enqueued_jobs end context "auto-approving feedback" do let(:course_stage_feedback_submission) { repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) } it "auto-approves feedback if explanation is blank & submission is closed" do put "/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}", params: { data: { attributes: { "selected-answer": "๐Ÿ˜Š", status: "closed" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true) end it "does not auto-approve feedback if explanation is blank & submission is open" do put "/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}", params: { data: { attributes: { "selected-answer": "๐Ÿ˜Š" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(false) end it "does not auto-approve feedback if explanation is present & submission is closed" do put "/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}", params: { data: { attributes: { "selected-answer": "๐Ÿ˜Š", explanation: "Dummy explanation", status: "closed" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(false) end it "updates approval to false if explanation is present" do repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: "redis") repository.language.update!(name: "Ruby") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: "init") post "/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions", params: { data: { attributes: { "selected-answer": "๐Ÿ˜Š" }, relationships: { "course-stage": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful course_stage_feedback_submission = CourseStageFeedbackSubmission.last expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true) put "/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}", params: { data: { attributes: { "selected-answer": "๐Ÿ˜Š", explanation: "Dummy explanation", status: "closed" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(false) end end end end ``` ## Previous Iterations Failed Tests Below is a list of failed tests that you generated in previous iterations, if available. Very important - __Do not generate these same tests again__: ``` [" def test_create_with_valid_data(): \"\"\" Test the create action with valid data to ensure a new feedback submission is created successfully. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful course_stage_feedback_submission = CourseStageFeedbackSubmission.last expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.selected_answer).to eq(\"\ud83d\ude0a\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.explanation).to eq(\"Great course!\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.user).to eq(current_user) expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.course_stage).to eq(repository.course.first_stage) expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.repository).to eq(repository)", " def test_create_with_invalid_user(): \"\"\" Test the create action with an invalid user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") expect { post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid create request, #{repository.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_create_with_blank_explanation(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a blank explanation to ensure the feedback is auto-approved. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful course_stage_feedback_submission = CourseStageFeedbackSubmission.last expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_index_with_valid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with a valid course to ensure it returns the correct feedback submissions. \"\"\" course = create(:course) course_stage = create(:course_stage, course: course) create_list(:course_stage_feedback_submission, 3, course_stage: course_stage) get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(json_response[\"data\"].length).to eq(3)", " def test_index_with_invalid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with an invalid course to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" expect { get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: -1 }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_update_with_invalid_user(): \"\"\" Test the update action with an invalid user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) expect { put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid update request, #{course_stage_feedback_submission.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_update_with_valid_data(): \"\"\" Test the update action with valid data to ensure the feedback submission is updated successfully. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.selected_answer).to eq(\"\ud83d\ude0a\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.explanation).to eq(\"Updated explanation\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.status).to eq(\"closed\")", " def test_update_auto_approve_feedback(): \"\"\" Test the update action to ensure feedback is auto-approved if explanation is blank and submission is closed. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_create_with_invalid_repository_user(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a repository that belongs to a different user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") expect { post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid create request, #{repository.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_create_with_blank_explanation(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a blank explanation to ensure the feedback is auto-approved. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful course_stage_feedback_submission = CourseStageFeedbackSubmission.last expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_index_with_valid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with a valid course to ensure it returns the correct feedback submissions. \"\"\" course = create(:course) course_stage = create(:course_stage, course: course) create_list(:course_stage_feedback_submission, 3, course_stage: course_stage) get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(json_response[\"data\"].length).to eq(3)", " def test_index_with_invalid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with an invalid course to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" expect { get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: -1 }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_update_with_invalid_user(): \"\"\" Test the update action with an invalid user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) expect { put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid update request, #{course_stage_feedback_submission.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_update_with_valid_data(): \"\"\" Test the update action with valid data to ensure the feedback submission is updated successfully. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.selected_answer).to eq(\"\ud83d\ude0a\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.explanation).to eq(\"Updated explanation\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.status).to eq(\"closed\")", " def test_update_auto_approve_feedback(): \"\"\" Test the update action to ensure feedback is auto-approved if explanation is blank and submission is closed. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_create_with_invalid_course_stage(): \"\"\" Test the create action with an invalid course stage to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) expect { post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: -1 } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_create_with_invalid_repository(): \"\"\" Test the create action with an invalid repository to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") expect { post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: -1 } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_update_with_invalid_course_stage(): \"\"\" Test the update action with an invalid course stage to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) expect { put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: -1 } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_update_with_invalid_repository(): \"\"\" Test the update action with an invalid repository to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) expect { put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" }, relationships: { \"repository\": { data: { id: -1 } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_create_with_missing_selected_answer(): \"\"\" Test the create action with missing selected answer to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity)", " def test_update_with_missing_selected_answer(): \"\"\" Test the update action with missing selected answer to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity)", " def test_create_with_invalid_repository_user(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a repository that belongs to a different user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") expect { post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid create request, #{repository.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_create_with_blank_explanation(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a blank explanation to ensure the feedback is auto-approved. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful course_stage_feedback_submission = CourseStageFeedbackSubmission.last expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_index_with_valid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with a valid course to ensure it returns the correct feedback submissions. \"\"\" course = create(:course) course_stage = create(:course_stage, course: course) create_list(:course_stage_feedback_submission, 3, course_stage: course_stage) get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(json_response[\"data\"].length).to eq(3)", " def test_index_with_invalid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with an invalid course to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" expect { get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: -1 }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_update_with_invalid_user(): \"\"\" Test the update action with an invalid user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) expect { put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid update request, #{course_stage_feedback_submission.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_update_with_valid_data(): \"\"\" Test the update action with valid data to ensure the feedback submission is updated successfully. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.selected_answer).to eq(\"\ud83d\ude0a\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.explanation).to eq(\"Updated explanation\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.status).to eq(\"closed\")", " def test_update_auto_approve_feedback(): \"\"\" Test the update action to ensure feedback is auto-approved if explanation is blank and submission is closed. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_create_with_invalid_course_stage(): \"\"\" Test the create action with an invalid course stage to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) expect { post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: -1 } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_create_with_invalid_repository(): \"\"\" Test the create action with an invalid repository to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") expect { post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: -1 } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_update_with_invalid_course_stage(): \"\"\" Test the update action with an invalid course stage to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) expect { put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: -1 } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_update_with_invalid_repository(): \"\"\" Test the update action with an invalid repository to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) expect { put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" }, relationships: { \"repository\": { data: { id: -1 } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_create_with_missing_selected_answer(): \"\"\" Test the create action with missing selected answer to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity)", " def test_update_with_missing_selected_answer(): \"\"\" Test the update action with missing selected answer to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity)", " def test_create_with_invalid_repository_user(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a repository that belongs to a different user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") expect { post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid create request, #{repository.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_create_with_blank_explanation(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a blank explanation to ensure the feedback is auto-approved. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful course_stage_feedback_submission = CourseStageFeedbackSubmission.last expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_index_with_valid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with a valid course to ensure it returns the correct feedback submissions. \"\"\" course = create(:course) course_stage = create(:course_stage, course: course) create_list(:course_stage_feedback_submission, 3, course_stage: course_stage) get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(json_response[\"data\"].length).to eq(3)", " def test_index_with_invalid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with an invalid course to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" expect { get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: -1 }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_update_with_invalid_user(): \"\"\" Test the update action with an invalid user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) expect { put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid update request, #{course_stage_feedback_submission.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_update_with_valid_data(): \"\"\" Test the update action with valid data to ensure the feedback submission is updated successfully. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.selected_answer).to eq(\"\ud83d\ude0a\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.explanation).to eq(\"Updated explanation\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.status).to eq(\"closed\")", " def test_update_auto_approve_feedback(): \"\"\" Test the update action to ensure feedback is auto-approved if explanation is blank and submission is closed. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_create_with_invalid_repository_user(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a repository that belongs to a different user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") expect { post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid create request, #{repository.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_create_with_blank_explanation(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a blank explanation to ensure the feedback is auto-approved. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful course_stage_feedback_submission = CourseStageFeedbackSubmission.last expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_index_with_valid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with a valid course to ensure it returns the correct feedback submissions. \"\"\" course = create(:course) course_stage = create(:course_stage, course: course) create_list(:course_stage_feedback_submission, 3, course_stage: course_stage) get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(json_response[\"data\"].length).to eq(3)", " def test_index_with_invalid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with an invalid course to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" expect { get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: -1 }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_update_with_invalid_user(): \"\"\" Test the update action with an invalid user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) expect { put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid update request, #{course_stage_feedback_submission.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_update_with_valid_data(): \"\"\" Test the update action with valid data to ensure the feedback submission is updated successfully. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.selected_answer).to eq(\"\ud83d\ude0a\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.explanation).to eq(\"Updated explanation\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.status).to eq(\"closed\")", " def test_update_auto_approve_feedback(): \"\"\" Test the update action to ensure feedback is auto-approved if explanation is blank and submission is closed. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_create_with_invalid_repository_user(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a repository that belongs to a different user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") expect { post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid create request, #{repository.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_create_with_blank_explanation(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a blank explanation to ensure the feedback is auto-approved. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful course_stage_feedback_submission = CourseStageFeedbackSubmission.last expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_index_with_valid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with a valid course to ensure it returns the correct feedback submissions. \"\"\" course = create(:course) course_stage = create(:course_stage, course: course) create_list(:course_stage_feedback_submission, 3, course_stage: course_stage) get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(json_response[\"data\"].length).to eq(3)", " def test_index_with_invalid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with an invalid course to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" expect { get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: -1 }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_update_with_invalid_user(): \"\"\" Test the update action with an invalid user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) expect { put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid update request, #{course_stage_feedback_submission.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_update_with_valid_data(): \"\"\" Test the update action with valid data to ensure the feedback submission is updated successfully. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.selected_answer).to eq(\"\ud83d\ude0a\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.explanation).to eq(\"Updated explanation\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.status).to eq(\"closed\")", " def test_update_auto_approve_feedback(): \"\"\" Test the update action to ensure feedback is auto-approved if explanation is blank and submission is closed. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_create_with_invalid_repository_user(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a repository that belongs to a different user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") expect { post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid create request, #{repository.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_create_with_blank_explanation(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a blank explanation to ensure the feedback is auto-approved. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful course_stage_feedback_submission = CourseStageFeedbackSubmission.last expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_index_with_valid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with a valid course to ensure it returns the correct feedback submissions. \"\"\" course = create(:course) course_stage = create(:course_stage, course: course) create_list(:course_stage_feedback_submission, 3, course_stage: course_stage) get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(json_response[\"data\"].length).to eq(3)", " def test_index_with_invalid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with an invalid course to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" expect { get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: -1 }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_update_with_invalid_user(): \"\"\" Test the update action with an invalid user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) expect { put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid update request, #{course_stage_feedback_submission.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_update_with_valid_data(): \"\"\" Test the update action with valid data to ensure the feedback submission is updated successfully. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.selected_answer).to eq(\"\ud83d\ude0a\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.explanation).to eq(\"Updated explanation\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.status).to eq(\"closed\")", " def test_update_auto_approve_feedback(): \"\"\" Test the update action to ensure feedback is auto-approved if explanation is blank and submission is closed. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_create_with_invalid_repository_user(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a repository that belongs to a different user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") expect { post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Great course!\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid create request, #{repository.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_create_with_blank_explanation(): \"\"\" Test the create action with a blank explanation to ensure the feedback is auto-approved. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) repository.course.update!(slug: \"redis\") repository.language.update!(name: \"Ruby\") repository.course.first_stage.update!(slug: \"init\") post \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\" }, relationships: { \"course-stage\": { data: { id: } }, repository: { data: { id: } } } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful course_stage_feedback_submission = CourseStageFeedbackSubmission.last expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)", " def test_index_with_valid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with a valid course to ensure it returns the correct feedback submissions. \"\"\" course = create(:course) course_stage = create(:course_stage, course: course) create_list(:course_stage_feedback_submission, 3, course_stage: course_stage) get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(json_response[\"data\"].length).to eq(3)", " def test_index_with_invalid_course(): \"\"\" Test the index action with an invalid course to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" expect { get \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions\", params: { course_id: -1 }, as: :json }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)", " def test_update_with_invalid_user(): \"\"\" Test the update action with an invalid user to ensure it raises an error. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: create(:user)) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) expect { put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json }.to raise_error(\"invalid update request, #{course_stage_feedback_submission.user.username} != #{current_user.username}\")", " def test_update_with_valid_data(): \"\"\" Test the update action with valid data to ensure the feedback submission is updated successfully. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", explanation: \"Updated explanation\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.selected_answer).to eq(\"\ud83d\ude0a\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.explanation).to eq(\"Updated explanation\") expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.status).to eq(\"closed\")", " def test_update_auto_approve_feedback(): \"\"\" Test the update action to ensure feedback is auto-approved if explanation is blank and submission is closed. \"\"\" repository = create(:repository, user: current_user) course_stage_feedback_submission = create(:course_stage_feedback_submission, repository: repository, course_stage: repository.course.first_stage) put \"/api/v1/course-stage-feedback-submissions/#{}\", params: { data: { attributes: { \"selected-answer\": \"\ud83d\ude0a\", status: \"closed\" } } }, as: :json expect(response).to be_successful expect(course_stage_feedback_submission.reload.is_acknowledged_by_staff).to eq(true)"] ``` ## Code Coverage The following is the code coverage report. Use this to determine what tests to write as you should only write tests that increase the overall coverage: ``` Lines covered: [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 20, 22, 25, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 56, 60, 62, 63, 68] Lines missed: [13, 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 45, 57] Percentage covered: 80.0% ``` ## Response Your response shall contain __test functions and their respective comments only__ within triple back tick code blocks. This means you must work with the existing imports and not provide any new imports in your response. Each test function code blocks __must__ be wrapped around separate triple backticks and should not include the language name. Ensure each test function has a unique name to avoid conflicts and enhance readability. A sample response from you in Python would look like this: ``` def test_func(): """ Test comment """ assert True ``` ``` def test_func2(): """ Test comment 2 """ assert 1 == 1 ``` Notice how each test function is surrounded by ```.
EmbeddedDevops1 commented 4 months ago

Awesome. That was extremely helpful. So first of all it looks like we'll need an indent for your tests cases like we do for Python classes in cover_agent/ We'll need someone with a bit more Ruby experience taking on that task or you could provide instructions in the --additional-instructions flag (using GPT 4, not GPT 3.5). You could say something like this:

My ruby script requires tests to start with "RSpec.describe API::CourseStageFeedbackSubmissionsController, type: :request do" and every line thereafter must be indented with 4 whitespaces. Filled in the remaining tests using this format.

What would be the most helpful (and probably the easiest for you) would be to modify manually and dump that into ChatGPT to see what results you get. That's, essentially, what's happening here with some port processing and subshell commands.

davidparry commented 4 months ago

I tried with java and jacoco coverage but it appears to only be Python. Looking at the it appears cobertura is the only coverage_type. If you run my docker image docker run --rm -it --name cover-agent -e OPENAI_API_KEY= -v ~/code/output:/mnt/output davidparry/cover-agent-ubuntu-aarch64:debug Look on your mounted path for output file for error cover-agent-output.log that I believe confirms my assumption.

I love this idea though and really want it to increase my java code coverage on our projects.

StevenBoutcher commented 4 months ago

Has this tool been verified for Jest unit tests written in TypeScript?

mrT23 commented 4 months ago

@rohitpaulk and others:

I will work tomorrow on the prompt and logic area, and will bring some improvements. stay tuned. will be glad to hear your feedback afterwards

icernigoj commented 4 months ago

So it doesn't support multi languages yet ? On the it is checked:

Being able to generate tests for different programming languages

I'm really interested on testing it with typescript and php.

mrT23 commented 4 months ago

This should bring significant improvements to the general usage, and specifically for non-python languages:

jtoy commented 3 months ago

any confirmation of it working with ruby?

EmbeddedDevops1 commented 2 months ago

@jtoy et al, we finally got the Ruby example added to the repo. It's also part of our nightly regression testing so we'll know right away if support for Ruby breaks.

I'm going to close out this issue now since we've confirmed support for Ruby.