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Add Integration tests using templated tests #61

Closed EmbeddedDevops1 closed 1 month ago

EmbeddedDevops1 commented 1 month ago

PR Type

Tests, Documentation


Changes walkthrough 📝

Relevant files
Add Go webservice integration test script with Docker       

  • Added a new test script for Go webservice integration with Docker.
  • Included Docker container setup and teardown.
  • Added support for passing model, API base, and OpenAI API key as
  • +81/-0
    Update Python FastAPI integration test script with Docker

  • Replaced old test script with a new one for Python FastAPI integration
    with Docker.
  • Included Docker container setup and teardown.
  • Added support for passing model, API base, and OpenAI API key as
  • +81/-0
    Add script to run all integration tests                                   

  • Added a new script to run all integration tests.
  • Included commands to run both Python FastAPI and Go webservice tests.
  • +13/-0   
    Add Dockerfile for Go webservice integration tests             

  • Added Dockerfile for Go webservice integration tests.
  • Included steps to build the Go application and install necessary
    testing packages.
  • +22/-0   
    Update integration tests README with instructions and prerequisites

  • Updated documentation to include prerequisites and instructions for
    running tests.
  • Added sections for running tests individually and using different
  • +31/-0   

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    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 1 month ago

    PR Review 🔍

    (Review updated until commit

    ⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 3, because the PR includes multiple scripts and Docker configurations which require understanding of both the application logic and the Docker environment. The scripts are moderately complex, involving argument parsing, conditional logic, and Docker commands.
    🧪 Relevant tests Yes
    ⚡ Possible issues Possible Bug: The script exits immediately if an unknown parameter is passed, which might not be the desired behavior in all cases. It could be more user-friendly to continue parsing other parameters or provide a help message.
    Error Handling: The script assumes successful execution of Docker commands without verifying the output of these commands except in certain conditions. This might lead to unhandled errors in scenarios where Docker commands fail silently.
    🔒 Security concerns No
    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 1 month ago

    PR Code Suggestions ✨

    CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
    Possible issue
    Add error handling to ensure the script exits if docker build or docker run commands fail ___ **To ensure that the script exits if any command in the docker build or docker run commands
    fail, consider adding || exit 1 after these commands. This will make the script more
    robust by handling potential errors in these critical steps.** [tests_integration/python_fastapi/ [24-31]]( ```diff -docker build -t cover-agent-image -f tests_integration/python_fastapi/Dockerfile . +docker build -t cover-agent-image -f tests_integration/python_fastapi/Dockerfile . || exit 1 ... -docker run -d cover-agent-image tail -f /dev/null +docker run -d cover-agent-image tail -f /dev/null || exit 1 ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Adding error handling to critical operations like `docker build` and `docker run` is crucial to prevent silent failures, making the script more robust.
    Best practice
    Wrap the environment variable $OPENAI_API_KEY in double quotes to avoid potential issues with variable expansion ___ **To avoid potential issues with variable expansion, wrap the environment variable
    $OPENAI_API_KEY in double quotes when passing it to the docker run command.** [tests_integration/python_fastapi/ [31]]( ```diff -docker run -d -e OPENAI_API_KEY=$OPENAI_API_KEY cover-agent-image tail -f /dev/null +docker run -d -e OPENAI_API_KEY="$OPENAI_API_KEY" cover-agent-image tail -f /dev/null ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Wrapping environment variables in double quotes is a best practice in shell scripting to handle cases where the variable might contain spaces or special characters.
    Use a function to construct the COMMAND variable for better readability and maintainability ___ **To improve readability and maintainability, consider using a function to handle the
    construction of the COMMAND variable. This will make the script easier to understand and
    modify in the future.** [tests_integration/python_fastapi/ [46-66]]( ```diff -COMMAND="/usr/local/bin/cover-agent \ - --source-file-path \"\" \ - --test-file-path \"\" \ - --code-coverage-report-path \"coverage.xml\" \ - --test-command \"pytest --cov=. --cov-report=xml --cov-report=term\" \ - --coverage-type \"cobertura\" \ - --desired-coverage 70 \ - --max-iterations 10" -... +build_command() { + local cmd="/usr/local/bin/cover-agent \ + --source-file-path \"\" \ + --test-file-path \"\" \ + --code-coverage-report-path \"coverage.xml\" \ + --test-command \"pytest --cov=. --cov-report=xml --cov-report=term\" \ + --coverage-type \"cobertura\" \ + --desired-coverage 70 \ + --max-iterations 10" + [ -n "$MODEL" ] && cmd="$cmd --model \"$MODEL\"" + [ -n "$API_BASE" ] && cmd="$cmd --api-base \"$API_BASE\"" + echo "$cmd" +} +COMMAND=$(build_command) docker exec $CONTAINER_ID bash -c "$COMMAND" ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Using a function to build complex command strings can significantly improve the maintainability and readability of the script.
    Specify that the --model and --api-base parameters should be passed to the script for clarity ___ **To improve clarity, specify that the --model and --api-base parameters should be passed to
    the script. This will help users understand exactly where these parameters
    need to be included.** [tests_integration/ [13]]( ```diff -You can use a different LLM by passing in the `--model` and `--api-base` parameters. For example, to use a locally hosted LLM with Ollama you can pass in: +You can use a different LLM by passing in the `--model` and `--api-base` parameters to the `` script. For example, to use a locally hosted LLM with Ollama you can pass in: ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 5 Why: Clarifying where to pass parameters enhances user understanding and reduces potential confusion, although it's a relatively minor enhancement.
    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 1 month ago

    Persistent review updated to latest commit

    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 1 month ago

    PR Code Suggestions ✨

    CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
    Possible issue
    Add a check to ensure the Docker image builds successfully before starting the container ___ **Add a check to ensure that the docker build command completes successfully before
    proceeding to start the container. This will help catch any issues during the image build
    process.** [tests_integration/go_webservice/ [36-39]]( ```diff docker build -t cover-agent-image -f tests_integration/go_webservice/Dockerfile . +if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then + echo "Docker image build failed." + exit 1 +fi echo "Starting the container..." ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Adding a check after the `docker build` command to ensure it completes successfully is crucial for error handling and prevents further steps from executing if the build fails.
    Best practice
    ✅ Use double quotes around the variable to handle special characters or spaces in the API key ___
    Suggestion Impact:The suggestion to use double quotes around the $OPENAI_API_KEY variable in the docker run command was implemented. The relevant line in the git diff shows the variable being enclosed in double quotes. code diff: ```diff - CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -d -e OPENAI_API_KEY="$OPENAI_API_KEY" cover-agent-image tail -f /dev/null) ```
    ___ **Use double quotes around the variable $OPENAI_API_KEY in the docker run command to prevent
    potential issues with special characters or spaces in the API key.** [tests_integration/go_webservice/ [43]]( ```diff -CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -d -e OPENAI_API_KEY=$OPENAI_API_KEY cover-agent-image tail -f /dev/null) +CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -d -e OPENAI_API_KEY="$OPENAI_API_KEY" cover-agent-image tail -f /dev/null) ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Enclosing the `$OPENAI_API_KEY` in double quotes is a best practice to handle special characters or spaces, ensuring the variable is passed correctly to the Docker command.
    EmbeddedDevops1 commented 1 month ago

    ℹ️ No actual changes made to the functional code. These are additional tests outside of the CI workflow.