CodyReichert / awesome-cl

A curated list of awesome Common Lisp frameworks, libraries and other shiny stuff.
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inline project links, except licences #35

Closed vindarel closed 7 years ago

vindarel commented 7 years ago

for easier collaboration, fixing a few duplicates and missing links.

viva emacs' macros and a little check with

grep -Eo "\[[0-9]+\]" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+" | uniq | sort -g

as discussed in PR !

vindarel commented 7 years ago

the link checker finds a dupe

but as it's in a badge url I don't feel in charge of fixing it here.

CodyReichert commented 7 years ago

Hey @vindarel -- I apologize for the slow reply here (been swamped), but this is really great, thanks for working on it!

Are you ready for this to be merged? The diff looks good to me, but it's big so I just wanted to confirm before pulling it in.

vindarel commented 7 years ago

Hi ! Yes this looks good to me. I didn't click on all links, but I double-checked nothing was forgotten with the little command line I gave in the comment. (There may be some erroneous links, but from before this edit).

CodyReichert commented 7 years ago

Thank you :) MUCH easier to read and edit.

rmhsilva commented 7 years ago

FYI, looks like this did break at least one link (plump in the html parsing section - it is also in the xml section). Might be worth going over them all. I'll open a new issue if I find any others.

vindarel commented 7 years ago

thanks. This is for plump:

CodyReichert commented 7 years ago

Good find @rmhsilva - I just merged #38 from @vindarel! Might be easier to find any other broken ones I re-deploy the GitHub pages site, so I'll try and do that shortly.

rmhsilva commented 7 years ago

@CodyReichert sweet, sounds good (Y)