CodyReichert / awesome-cl

A curated list of awesome Common Lisp frameworks, libraries and other shiny stuff.
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Add Lists And Lists #407

Open augustfengd opened 2 years ago

augustfengd commented 2 years ago

I discovered this little game from a talk given by William E. Byrd, "The Most Beautiful Program Ever Written".

vindarel commented 2 years ago

Hello, it is a game and not a lisp tutorial, isn't it ? In that case it doesn't belong here.

augustfengd commented 2 years ago

Hey vindarel. It's a game, but an educational one though. After getting through introduction, this is the first "challenge":

The genie nods in satisfaction. "Right. Let's see, let's see..." He pulls a massive tome 
out of nowhere; opens it; pokes studiously at it; turns a page; snorts. Then he arises 
from the couch to his full height, raises the book, and booms...

"How To Program In Lisp!"

Then he plops back into the couch, and adds, "...a self-paced course." He hands you 
the book.

"Your first problem is just to acquaint you with the system. Start up the machine, and 
define twentyseven to have the value 27. You can ask me to 'check' when you're 
ready, or 'repeat' the problem if you need me to."

It feels like a learning experience which is why I had placed it under the "Learning and Tutorials" section.