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text parsers => text and file parsers #482

Closed WillForan closed 6 months ago

WillForan commented 6 months ago

keep "text" as start of header name to avoid reordering headers

Hexstream commented 6 months ago

Personally I would just go with "Parsers", as text parsers can be file parsers too, and "Text and binary parsers" is an exhaustive partition of "Parsers", hence redundant wording...

(Obviously, text parsers are fundamentally binary parsers too, but there is oftentimes a pragmatic difference between the two.)

vindarel commented 6 months ago

ah, "Text and binary parsers" seems more accurate indeed, it's redundant but I find this good for readers who are skimming through a resource quickly (or C-f searching for a keyword).

Hexstream commented 6 months ago

These parameters are acceptable.