CodyReichert / awesome-cl

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Add papyrus #486

Closed tani closed 3 months ago

tani commented 3 months ago

Hi, thank you for the nice project. I would like to add my own project for the literate programming to the list. It is called "papyrus" and is available at I hope you will find it useful. Cheers!

vindarel commented 3 months ago

Thanks! I realized I had starred it some time ago, nice to see you're still on it.

Is there a way to hide the first required codeblock?

tani commented 3 months ago

Hi @vindarel, thank you for merging this commit.

Is there a way to hide the first required codeblock?

Good suggestion! I don't have any ideas on how to do that at the moment.

However, it may be possible to avoid showing the first codeblock using some tricks with asdf. I'll investigate this further and let you know if I find a solution.

tani commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @vindarel, I'm excited to share some great news! I've introduced org-mode syntax support in Papyrus. You can now hide the first code block as demonstrated here: