CodySly / King-Crawlers-App

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Launch Test Version 1.0 #15

Open CodySly opened 9 months ago

CodySly commented 9 months ago

Test Version 1.0

Requirements to Launch

Remember, the goal of user testing is not to have a perfect product but to gather valuable insights for improvement. It's common for user testing to uncover issues and areas for enhancement, and that feedback is a valuable part of the development process. Adjust your criteria based on the project's context and the expectations of your users.

Part #1

Perform a comprehensive code review to identify and address any issues. Ensure the code follows coding standards and best practices. Conduct unit testing to verify individual components of the application.

Set up dedicated testing environments that mirror the production environment as closely as possible. Test the app on different iOS devices (phones, tablets) and iOS versions to ensure compatibility.

Conduct functional testing to ensure that all features work as intended. Test user flows, input validations, error handling, and any interactive elements.

Evaluate the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to ensure they are intuitive and user-friendly. Gather feedback on design elements and make improvements if necessary.

Assess the app's performance under different conditions (e.g., varying network speeds). Monitor resource usage, such as CPU and memory, to identify and optimize any performance bottlenecks.

Conduct security testing to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. Ensure that data transmission is encrypted, and sensitive information is handled securely.

Verify that the app works seamlessly on different iOS devices (iPhone, iPad) and screen sizes. Test the app in various orientations (landscape, portrait).

Perform regression testing to ensure that new changes have not introduced defects in existing functionality. Re-test previously identified issues to confirm they have been resolved.

If applicable, test the app in different languages and regions to ensure that it is properly localized. Verify that date formats, currency symbols, and other localized elements are accurate.

Ensure the app is accessible to users with disabilities. Test with screen readers and verify that all content is navigable and understandable.

Update and review any user manuals, release notes, or documentation related to the test version. Provide clear instructions for testers on how to use the app and report issues.

Ensure that realistic test data is available for testing various scenarios. Remove any test data that should not be visible or accessible in the test version.

Implement a system for testers to provide feedback, including bug reports and suggestions. Set up a process for the development team to address and prioritize feedback.

Use version control systems to manage code changes. Tag the codebase with a specific version number or identifier for the test release.

Establish a backup and recovery plan in case issues arise during testing. Ensure that there is a rollback plan to revert to a stable version if necessary.

Verify that the app complies with legal requirements and regulations. Include necessary disclaimers and terms of use in the test version.

Communicate with the testing team, stakeholders, and any relevant parties about the upcoming test release. Provide clear instructions on how to access the test version.

Prepare release notes detailing the changes, improvements, and known issues in the test version. Communicate any specific testing instructions or areas of focus to the testing team.

Develop a deployment plan outlining the steps to release the test version. Consider scheduling a specific time for the release to minimize disruption.

Implement monitoring and logging tools to track app performance during testing. Set up alerts for critical issues that may require immediate attention.

Part #2

Ensure that the core functionality of the application is implemented. Users should be able to perform key tasks and use essential features.

The user interface should be functional and navigable. While it doesn't need to be final, it should provide a clear understanding of the application's structure and design.

The application should be stable enough to avoid frequent crashes or major disruptions during user testing. It doesn't need to be entirely bug-free, but critical issues should be addressed.

While the final polish may not be applied, the application should provide a reasonably good user experience. Users should be able to understand how to interact with the app and accomplish their goals.

Key end-to-end user flows should be complete. This ensures that users can move through the primary scenarios or tasks they are expected to perform.

Ensure that the primary and significant features of the application are implemented and functioning as intended.

While performance optimization can continue, the application's performance should be at an acceptable level during user testing. Any major performance bottlenecks should be addressed.

Conducted sufficient testing to cover a range of scenarios. This includes functional, regression, and exploratory testing.

Be transparent about known issues. Document any existing bugs or limitations that users should be aware of during testing.

Ensure that realistic test data is available, and the testing environment mirrors the conditions users will experience.

Implement a feedback mechanism to collect user feedback effectively. This could be through in-app prompts, surveys, or direct communication channels.

Clearly communicate to users participating in testing what is expected of them and how they can provide feedback. This includes any specific test cases or scenarios to focus on.

Test the application on a representative set of devices that users are likely to use.

Ensure that the application complies with legal requirements, especially if sensitive data is involved.

Have a plan for releasing updates or patches during the testing phase as needed.

Establish a backup plan and a way to rollback to a previous version if critical issues arise.

Implement monitoring and logging tools to track the application's performance during user testing.

Set realistic expectations for users regarding the state of the application. Users should understand that they are testing a work-in-progress.

Have a plan for iteratively improving the application based on user feedback.