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Complete Dark Higgs analysis code #1

Open mcremone opened 5 years ago

mcremone commented 5 years ago

To complete the analysis code:

1) Apply jet/met corrections:

mcremone commented 5 years ago

This is the working version:

mcremone commented 5 years ago


For 7), already implemented. Just compare with what we have in Panda and check if we are missing anything. For 8), trigger weights already implemented, double check with Panda For 3), please take care of it.

mcremone commented 5 years ago


Take 4), 5, and 6)

mcremone commented 5 years ago

@mcremone I'm gonna take 1), 2), and 9)

lgray commented 5 years ago

@mcremone 1) and 4) are now completely addressed in

There are examples for a bunch of systematics and reweighting now in

areinsvo commented 5 years ago

New assignments: Matteo - 1 Allie - 3 Felipe - 5 (important)

Mostly finished 2 and 4

Not as important 6 - 8