CoffeeChaton / vscode-autohotkey-NekoHelp-Old

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Bugs: never used functions are actually used #17

Closed marius-sucan closed 1 year ago

marius-sucan commented 1 year ago


I have menus that reference functions such as: Menu, OpenWithMenu, Add, &Choose external application, browseExternalApp ... and it says the function is never used. The solution is, make sure that the function is never used by a Menu command.

I also have a gLabel such as: Gui, Add, Checkbox, xs+15 y+5 Checked%uiPreferedFileStats% vuiPreferedFileStats gToggleFileStatsDating, &Generate other stats ... and it says the function is never used. The solution is: for every function name, make sure it is not used with the g prefix somewhere in the document.

It should also not consider as unused the function when i have something like this:

value := myFuncNameCall("thisSillyFunc")

myFuncNameCall(func2exec) {
  return %func2exec%()

thisSillyFunc() {
   Return 1

Both functions are used. Here, you can check for every function name, if it is passed as a string, in quotation marks, as in this code.

Thank you .

Best regards, Marius.

CoffeeChaton commented 1 year ago

CoffeeChaton commented 1 year ago
Menu, MenuName,     Add, MenuItemName                , LabelOrSubmenu
Menu, OpenWithMenu, Add, &Choose external application, browseExternalApp

Gui, Add, Checkbox, xs+15 y+5 Checked%uiPreferedFileStats% vuiPreferedFileStats gToggleFileStatsDating, &Generate other stats

I will fix 2 case at next version.

CoffeeChaton commented 1 year ago
value := myFuncNameCall("thisSillyFunc") ;---> ref

myFuncNameCall(func2exec) {
    return %func2exec%()

thisSillyFunc() { ;--------------------------> def
    Return 1

I don't understand your question, can you provide more detailed information? For thisSillyFunc, def-ref is indexed

marius-sucan commented 1 year ago
value := myFuncNameCall("thisSillyFunc") ;---> ref

myFuncNameCall(func2exec) {
    return %func2exec%()

thisSillyFunc() { ;--------------------------> def
    Return 1

I don't understand your question, can you provide more detailed information? For thisSillyFunc, def-ref is indexed

I tested this and you are right. It seems to work. thisSillyFunc is not listed as unused.

I'm looking forward to the updated version with menus and gLabel support. I'm cleaning up my project (QPV) with the help of your extension. Thank you for your work.

Best regards, Marius.

CoffeeChaton commented 1 year ago
  1. Accidentally closed when operating github, reopened until the next version released 7 days without problems, then closed.
  2. In my test environment, except of Gui-event I still understand, the tags/function used by Menu GUI already provide syntax highlighting and jumping to definitions/references.
  3. In the previous version, it was accidentally found that the function name in ahk-v1 matched the label name exactly, I am currently fixing this problem
  4. Currently all of my functions, including syntax highlighting, formatting, and jump to references, have problems with the following, I need to think carefully.
Hotkey, KeyName
    ,Fn1 ; new line
     , KeyName  ; new line
    ,Fn1 ; new line

   , fn1
   , 10000

 MsgBox, % "i am fn1"



CoffeeChaton commented 1 year ago

code Current progress (highlighted screenshot in the picture)

Jump to Definition/Reference, because we need to use mp4, the file is too big to upload.

marius-sucan commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the work you are doing.

CoffeeChaton commented 1 year ago


    ;NOT plan to support-----------------------
    RetVal := %Func%(Params) ; Requires [v1.1.07+]
    RetVal := Func.Call(Params) ; Requires [v1.1.19+]
    RetVal := Func.(Params) ; Not recommended

    RegExMatch(Haystack, "i)(The) (\w+)\b(?CCallout)")
    ;                                         ^Callout

    cc := fn%i%() ;
marius-sucan commented 1 year ago

It seems to be working fine in v0.0.21. Thank you <3

I closed the issue.