CoffeeKumazaki / arXiv

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BehaVerify: Verifying Temporal Logic Specifications for Behavior Trees #29589

Open CoffeeKumazaki opened 4 months ago

CoffeeKumazaki commented 4 months ago

BehaVerify: Verifying Temporal Logic Specifications for Behavior Trees
arXiv:2208.05360v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Behavior Trees, which originated in video games as a method for controlling NPCs but have since gained traction within the robotics community, are a framework for describing the execution of a task. BehaVerify is a tool that creates a nuXmv model from a py_tree. For composite nodes, which are standardized, this process is automatic and requires no additional user input. A wide variety of leaf nodes are automatically supported and require no additional user input, but customized leaf nodes will require additional user input to be correctly modeled. BehaVerify can provide a template to make this easier. BehaVerify is able to create a nuXmv model with over 100 nodes and nuXmv was able to verify various non-trivial LTL properties on this model, both directly and via counterexample. The model in question features parallel nodes, selector, and sequence nodes. A comparison with models based on BTCompiler indicates that the models created by BehaVerify perform better.

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