CoffeeKumazaki / arXiv

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Stretchable Pneumatic Sleeve for Adaptable Low-Displacement Anchoring in Exosuits #29612

Open CoffeeKumazaki opened 6 months ago

CoffeeKumazaki commented 6 months ago

Stretchable Pneumatic Sleeve for Adaptable, Low-Displacement Anchoring in Exosuits
arXiv:2403.04729v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Despite recent advances in wearable technology, interfacing movement assistance devices with the human body remains challenging. We present a stretchable pneumatic sleeve that can anchor an exosuit actuator to the human arm with a low displacement of the actuator's mounting point relative to the body during operation. Our sleeve has the potential to serve as an adaptable attachment mechanism for exosuits, since it can adjust its pressure to only compress the arm as much as needed to transmit the applied exosuit forces without a large displacement. We discuss the design of our sleeve, which is made of fabric pneumatic artificial muscle (fPAM) actuators formed into bands. We quantify the performance of nine fPAM bands of various lengths and widths, as well as three sleeves (an fPAM sleeve, a series pouch motor (SPM) sleeve as in previous literature, and an off the shelf hook and loop sleeve), through the measurement of the compressing force as a function of pressure and the localized pulling force that can be resisted as a function of both pressure and mounting point displacement. Our experimental results show that fPAM bands with smaller resting length and/or larger resting width produce higher forces. Also, when inflated, an fPAM sleeve that has equivalent dimensions to the SPM sleeve while fully stretched has similar performance to the SPM sleeve. While inflated, both pneumatic sleeves decrease the mounting point displacement compared to the hook and loop sleeve. Compared to the SPM sleeve, the fPAM sleeve is able to hold larger internal pressure before bursting, increasing its possible force range. Also, when not inflated, the fPAM sleeve resists the pulling force well, indicating its ability to provide anchoring when not actuated.

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