CoffeeKumazaki / arXiv

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SMET: Scenario-based Metamorphic Testing for Autonomous Driving Models. (arXiv:2104.01093v1 [cs.RO]) #5491

Open CoffeeKumazaki opened 3 years ago

CoffeeKumazaki commented 3 years ago

SMET: Scenario-based Metamorphic Testing for Autonomous Driving Models. (arXiv:2104.01093v1 [cs.RO])

To improve the security and robustness of autonomous driving models, this paper presents SMET, a scenariobased metamorphic testing tool for autonomous driving models. The metamorphic relationship is divided into three dimensions (time, space, and event) and demonstrates its effectiveness through case studies in two types of autonomous driving models with different outputs.Experimental results show that this tool canwelldetectpotentialdefectsoftheautonomousdrivingmodel, and complex scenes are more effective than simple scenes.

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CoffeeKumazaki commented 3 years ago

Metamorphic Testingの手法を提案

CoffeeKumazaki commented 3 years ago