Coffeeboys / RenewPass

An Android app for renewing your UPass
MIT License
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Create intro logos for each school #18

Closed landalex closed 8 years ago

landalex commented 8 years ago

The notifications branch has a change to the intro activity, where selecting your school is done by tapping on your school's logo rather than selecting from a spinner.

Add the logos for all supported schools to the notification branch. Schools supported:

  1. SFU
  2. UBC
  3. BCIT
  4. Cap U
  5. Langara
  6. VCC
  7. NVIT
  8. Douglas
  9. Kwantlen
  10. Emily Carr
prayansh commented 8 years ago

Will start working on that

landalex commented 8 years ago

Added with f395b30fb07cd4b2fa850e3e7c8ff1d82a86d972