Coflnet / sky-mayor

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Create perk endpoints #21

Closed matthias-luger closed 1 week ago

matthias-luger commented 3 months ago

Add endpoints for:

Ekwav commented 3 months ago

The api was extended to include ministers

  "success": true,
  "lastUpdated": 1722862019091,
  "mayor": {
    "key": "economist",
    "name": "Diaz",
    "perks": [
        "name": "Stock Exchange",
        "description": "Participate in the §dStonks Auction §7for a chance to win §5Stock of Stonks§7! Trade them for §6extravagant items §7at the §bTrade Center§7."
        "name": "Volume Trading",
        "description": "The available item quantity per §6Shen's Auction §7has been doubled, and two additional §6Shen's Special §7auctions will be available if Diaz is Mayor."
        "name": "Long Term Investment",
        "description": "The §belected minister §7will appear as a candidate with §dall §7of their perks in the §anext election cycle§7."
    "minister": {
      "key": "mining",
      "name": "Cole",
      "perk": [
          "name": "Prospection",
          "description": "Mining minions work §a25% §7faster.",
          "minister": true
    "election": {
      "year": 363,
      "candidates": [
          "key": "fishing",
          "name": "Marina",
          "perks": [
              "name": "Luck of the Sea 2.0",
              "description": "Gain §315α Sea Creature Chance§7.",
              "minister": false
              "name": "Fishing Festival",
              "description": "Start a special fishing event the first §b3 §7days of each month!",
              "minister": true
          "votes": 57118
          "key": "economist",
          "name": "Diaz",
          "perks": [
              "name": "Stock Exchange",
              "description": "Participate in the §dStonks Auction §7for a chance to win §5Stock of Stonks§7! Trade them for §6extravagant items §7at the §bTrade Center§7.",
              "minister": true
              "name": "Volume Trading",
              "description": "The available item quantity per §6Shen's Auction §7has been doubled, and two additional §6Shen's Special §7auctions will be available if Diaz is Mayor.",
              "minister": false
              "name": "Long Term Investment",
              "description": "The §belected minister §7will appear as a candidate with §dall §7of their perks in the §anext election cycle§7.",
              "minister": false
          "votes": 509271
          "key": "mining",
          "name": "Cole",
          "perks": [
              "name": "Prospection",
              "description": "Mining minions work §a25% §7faster.",
              "minister": true
          "votes": 349732
          "key": "pets",
          "name": "Diana",
          "perks": [
              "name": "Mythological Ritual",
              "description": "Mayor Diana will sell the Griffin pet, which lets you find §2Mythological Creatures §7and tons of §eunique items§7.",
              "minister": true
              "name": "Sharing is Caring",
              "description": "Unlocks §a2 §7more §6Exp Share §7slots in your pets menu and increases the §6Exp Share §7rate by §a+10%§7!",
              "minister": false
          "votes": 292583
          "key": "farming",
          "name": "Finnegan",
          "perks": [
              "name": "Pest Eradicator",
              "description": "The duration of Pesthunter Phillip's §6☘ Farming Fortune §7bonus is now §a60m§7. §2Pests §7are now §a4x §7more likely to spawn in sprayed plots.",
              "minister": true
              "name": "Pelt-pocalypse",
              "description": "Obtain §a1.5x §7more §5pelts §7from §aTrevor §7in the §eMushroom Desert§7, hunt a new trapper mob, and purchase items from a new trapper shop.",
              "minister": false
              "name": "Blooming Business",
              "description": "All Garden Visitors reward §aFine Flour§7 and §c+10% Copper §7for accepting offers. Invites §a5 §7unique visitors to your §bGarden §7and makes higher rarity visitors §a20% §7more likely to show up.",
              "minister": false
          "votes": 88709
  "current": {
    "year": 364,
    "candidates": [
        "key": "slayer",
        "name": "Aatrox",
        "perks": [
            "name": "SLASHED Pricing",
            "description": "Starting slayer quests is §ehalf price§7.",
            "minister": false
            "name": "Pathfinder",
            "description": "Gain rare drops §d20% §7more often.",
            "minister": true
        "key": "dungeons",
        "name": "Paul",
        "perks": [
            "name": "Benediction",
            "description": "Blessings are §d25% §7stronger.",
            "minister": true
        "key": "pets",
        "name": "Diana",
        "perks": [
            "name": "Lucky!",
            "description": "Gain §d+25♣ Pet Luck§7.",
            "minister": false
            "name": "Mythological Ritual",
            "description": "Mayor Diana will sell the Griffin pet, which lets you find §2Mythological Creatures §7and tons of §eunique items§7.",
            "minister": false
            "name": "Sharing is Caring",
            "description": "Unlocks §a2 §7more §6Exp Share §7slots in your pets menu and increases the §6Exp Share §7rate by §a+10%§7!",
            "minister": true
        "key": "farming",
        "name": "Finnegan",
        "perks": [
            "name": "Pest Eradicator",
            "description": "The duration of Pesthunter Phillip's §6☘ Farming Fortune §7bonus is now §a60m§7. §2Pests §7are now §a4x §7more likely to spawn in sprayed plots.",
            "minister": false
            "name": "Pelt-pocalypse",
            "description": "Obtain §a1.5x §7more §5pelts §7from §aTrevor §7in the §eMushroom Desert§7, hunt a new trapper mob, and purchase items from a new trapper shop.",
            "minister": true
            "name": "Blooming Business",
            "description": "All Garden Visitors reward §aFine Flour§7 and §c+10% Copper §7for accepting offers. Invites §a5 §7unique visitors to your §bGarden §7and makes higher rarity visitors §a20% §7more likely to show up.",
            "minister": false
        "key": "mining",
        "name": "Cole",
        "perks": [
            "name": "Prospection",
            "description": "Mining minions work §a25% §7faster.",
            "minister": true
            "name": "Mining XP Buff",
            "description": "Get §3+60☯ Mining Wisdom §7on public islands.",
            "minister": false
            "name": "Mining Fiesta",
            "description": "§7Schedules 5 §6Mining Fiestas §7throughout the year! During these events gain §3+75☯ Mining Wisdom§7, collect §9Refined Mineral §7and §5Glossy Gemstone§7, and earn §d2x drops §7from mining!",
            "minister": false
            "name": "Molten Forge",
            "description": "Decrease the time it takes to §6forge §7items by §d25%§7.",
            "minister": false

Currently cole is minister and Mining minions work §a25% §7faster. is active besides all perks from Diaz

Ekwav commented 1 week ago

Not needed anymore