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Leverage !Destiny API in a COG #33

Open LordHighfixxer opened 7 years ago

LordHighfixxer commented 7 years ago

Description of cog:

A way to leverage the Destiny official API or the !Destiny Command API developed by xgerhard

API's or other information for cog:

API is pretty straight forward:{{user}}&channel={{channel}}&query={{query}}&bot=charlemagne&format=discord

User = So username just the identifier on discord where I can respond to: Channel = Something to identify the channel, channelId from discord should work. Query = this is usually everything the user typed after the command for example 'trialskd xgerhard xbox', urlencoded please. Bot = Your bot name, for stats and maybe some optional handlings I need to on my end. Format = Twitch/Discord - Twitch = plain text, Discord has some formatting

Full command set that is used by the !destiny command prefix from the API:

Other info (Bounty, issues, ETC):

Alternatively, leveraging the Official Destiny API would be swell as well:

$Bounty for completion. I am kinda broke but would drop $50 via Paypal for this.

Discord: Fjäll#7112

Aioxas commented 7 years ago

I'm taking a look at the documentation, but I need to discuss some things with you regarding docs and stuff. PM me when you are available, thanks.

Aioxas commented 7 years ago

@Kowlin please re-assign this from me to @cookiezeater as they have already developed a rough cog regarding this bounty. I am a bit puzzled about this due to the requester not having answered since at least a month ago.