[25/08/2018 22:05] ERROR red on_command_error 369: Exception in command 'playlist add'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "lib\discord\ext\commands\core.py", line 50, in wrapped
ret = yield from coro(*args, **kwargs)
File "E:\Roleplaying\Red-DiscordBot\cogs\audio.py", line 1619, in playlist_add
songlist = await self._parse_playlist(url)
File "E:\Roleplaying\Red-DiscordBot\cogs\audio.py", line 815, in _parse_playlist
return await self._parse_sc_playlist(url)
File "E:\Roleplaying\Red-DiscordBot\cogs\audio.py", line 838, in _parse_sc_playlist
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'url'
How can we reproduce this issue?
Try to add the aforementioned soundcloud tracks as a playlist. Note: This particular user has not created a playlist of the tracks, it is just the individual tracks in a list.
Command bugs
Command name
/playlist add
What cog is this command from?
What were you expecting to happen?
Creates a new playlist that plays the tracks here: RunescapeSoundtrack
What actually happened?
How can we reproduce this issue?
Try to add the aforementioned soundcloud tracks as a playlist. Note: This particular user has not created a playlist of the tracks, it is just the individual tracks in a list.