Cog-Creators / Red-DiscordBot

A multi-function Discord bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Delete modlog cases #3927

Open NeuroAssassin opened 4 years ago

NeuroAssassin commented 4 years ago

Feature request

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As asked on the Red server, a way for modlog cases to be deleted.

I think this is needed as it is stored data, and should be able to be deleted at a user's request. However, that also raises the concern of administrative actions being hidden, so I propose it being guild owner only.

Drapersniper commented 4 years ago

I think theres room for 2 commands here. ( or one depending how we want the user to interface with command)

one to delete specific cases. One to delete multiple cases, either by id or category say all mute cases. etc.

madebylydia commented 4 years ago

To reiterate our discussion from #features-ideas: User will have to request manually data's deletion and only admin will be able to delete modlog cases to avoid abuse.

Dav-Git commented 4 years ago

Now the question is, do wen want to check this with .admin() so that permissions cog can change it or with .is_admin() so that it's hardlocked for guild admins.

Edit: .is_admin() is not part of checks but can be found here

mikeshardmind commented 4 years ago

I don't think modlog cases should be deletable by anyone other than the guild owner. (and even that, I don't think should actually be possible)

They serve as a record of accountability.

Beyond this, they don't store any data which are covered under any of the data protection laws except if someone is going beyond what red does to sell the data, something discord already forbids. They at most contain data provided to the bot for the purpose of the bot (mod action reasons) and data required for the reasonable operation of the bot (history of use/abuse by users and mods)

Dav-Git commented 4 years ago

If this would be implement, would we need to delete both the config entry and all messages referencing the casetype? Because that sounds pretty impossible. Deleting config on the other hand is more or less trivial though

Drapersniper commented 4 years ago

If this would be implement, would we need to delete both the config entry and all messages referencing the casetype? Because that sounds pretty impossible. Deleting config on the other hand is more or less trivial though

The modlog has the message ID. So a direct message delete can be done with a single channel.fetch_message.

But I would say optional, like an extra arg to delete the message. By default only deletes the modlog entry?

Dav-Git commented 4 years ago

Well, what if someone uses [p]casesfor those message IDs don't get saved anywhere.

mikeshardmind commented 4 years ago

is this still needed now that the data deletion API exists and it can remove the portions of data which actually have a reason to be deleted?

Dav-Git commented 4 years ago

is this still needed now that the data deletion API exists and it can remove the portions of data which actually have a reason to be deleted?

Imo data deletion API is enough

Drapersniper commented 4 years ago

I wouldn't say this fully resolved

I think theres room for 2 commands here. ( or one depending how we want the user to interface with command)

I.e guild owner deleting multiple cases if there's a need for it

Dav-Git commented 4 years ago

I don't quite see how that need could ever arise?

mikeshardmind commented 4 years ago

in what world is it not enough? a case is a record of an action taken. Even if the action was in error, it's a record of that error allowing actions taken on that error. There's no reason to delete it if anything sensitive can be sanitized in it already.

Drapersniper commented 4 years ago

As I server owner I had the need to remove cases before, if I have had the need others are bound to have wanted to do the same in the past or need in the future.

mikeshardmind commented 4 years ago

What was the use case? you say you had a need for it without saying anything more. Cases can be amended already to indicate if there was an error, but outright deletion of the case defeats the reason for a modlog existing.

Drapersniper commented 4 years ago

As a server owner I've accidentally taken moderation actions which I as a server owner wanted completely removed from the server if it doesn't need to be in the server it also doesn't need to be in the bot.

I still stand as wanting cases to be deleted as both a bot owner and a server owner. As a bot owner if there's no need for a case I don't want resources being used for no reason.

mikeshardmind commented 4 years ago

If this capability is added, I'd want it off by default and locked behind a bot owner setting, with the perms when enabled being guild owner and not modifiable by permissions. An update shouldn't change the way in which this can function, and as a host, I don't want to have an update changing something which functions as an audit tool.

Drapersniper commented 4 years ago

It should be a normal command that a guild owner can run there's no reason it should need to be enabled by the bot owner, the bot is serving a server if the server owner wants it gone why is the bot owner keeps the data? It's not for operation since the server doesn't want it.

mikeshardmind commented 4 years ago

As a host, I don't want things that function as audit trails changing. You see it as for a server, but it also serves as an implicit log of actions done in a server for the bot owner to investigate if the server claims they did/didn't do something.

Drapersniper commented 4 years ago

You input will be taken into consideration if/when this feature is designed.

And if at the time we deem having it off is the best for all users then we will implement it as such after all the want to ensure Red is a project that works for all users.

Twentysix26 commented 4 years ago

To be honest I don't see a pressing need for this feature, however if it is to be implemented it should 100% only be allowed to be issued by the server owner, otherwise it undermines the entire purpose of the mod-log.