Cog-Creators / Red-DiscordBot

A multi-function Discord bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.73k stars 2.3k forks source link

[Red V3] What do you want to see? #779

Closed Kowlin closed 6 years ago

Kowlin commented 7 years ago

As the title suggests, what do you want to see out of Red v3, nothing here is off-limits.

palmtree5 commented 7 years ago

To put this here (though I remember seeing @orels1 mention it in discord): Integrate the redportal cog into downloader (example: this would allow for a one-click install from a search)

Stylite commented 7 years ago

Be able to order pizza from the bot and make cleverbot core. I feel bad for coding with this issue

UltimatePancake commented 7 years ago

Will's admin should probably be core.

tekulvw commented 7 years ago

Permissions core?

palmtree5 commented 7 years ago

Both of those

orels1 commented 7 years ago

@palmtree5 not really like that. I feel like wiring into the red itself is not the best idea, due to it being an external service supported by someone from outside of main red dev.

My idea was the following:

Expose some kind of an API for downloader, so we could call something like downloader.install_cog(<repo/repoURL>,<cog>) from inside custom cogs (redportal as an example). So we could, for example have a reaction on redp search results embed, that will start installation process without the need to call cog repo add and cog install manually.

UltimatePancake commented 7 years ago

I like orels' idea... could it even be used for something like cog dependencies? (Yes, I'm going there)

SHADOW6 commented 7 years ago

Modmail for red:

tekulvw commented 7 years ago

Downloader needs to get rewritten then. And I want to see people writing tests for core cogs at the least!

Kowlin commented 7 years ago

"Writing tests", its like you want us dead 😂.

Eslyium commented 7 years ago

Softban to send an invite link to the user in pms

BNegetive commented 7 years ago

to play music from streams on youtube.

SHADOW6 commented 7 years ago

Suggestion for: Red V3,

Its a rework, so throwing the moon at you. If it can be done Great! That will mean no one has to worry about it later.

AraHaan commented 7 years ago

Red to work with rewrite branch. v1.0.0

tekulvw commented 7 years ago

...everything is now clear

boswelja commented 7 years ago

Improved ping command. In my fork, I found a way to put the response time in the message, take a look there :P

Jan200101 commented 7 years ago

Support for git repos that dont follow a certain format

tekulvw commented 7 years ago

@boswelja Negative, the ping command was put into general as s development tool to be able to quickly determine if the bot was responsive with a minimal amount of code getting in the way. This is why the ping command is "hidden"

@Jan200101 No, otherwise we'd have absolutely no way of being able to parse/read repos

Redjumpman commented 7 years ago

This is more feature-esque, instead of an implementation detail, but I would like it if Economy allowed bot owners to change the name of their credits. The original modded-economy allowed users to do this, and I applied the same principle to casino. I get msgs all the time like "Hey, I saw that I could change the name of the casino chips to 'Sparky's Love Bucks', can you show me how to do that in economy?"

If anything, this feature will lower my DM's, which I count as plus. 😝

Kowlin commented 7 years ago

I do agree that we require more features to make the bot a bit more personal then other Red bots. The small things like changing the name of the currency will allow us to do that. And let's be fair. It should not be that hard to implement

palmtree5 commented 7 years ago

That (the economy personalization) is done in

AileenLumina commented 7 years ago

I'd love to see if you could take a look at my Dwarf repository and take the ideas you need. I wrote it so every cog can define an API, and it's always predictable how to access a cog's API. Also, I used Django to provide a web interface, which I couldn't finish but I may finish that later this year.

In short: Make coding cogs really straightforward and add a web frontend. You can see my attempt and take whatever code you want from there. Just don't forget to credit if you're going to copypaste some of it. :)

EthanC commented 7 years ago
Stylite commented 7 years ago

Rethinkdb as a choice instead of mongo.

Jan200101 commented 7 years ago

Make the

That cog could not be loaded. Check your console or logs for more information.

Error display the error with [p]traceback

QingyuChai commented 7 years ago

Right now, prefixes are either the default prefixes or server defined. But what if we allow each user to choose their own prefix?

Nevermind, bad idea, didn't think it through

Kowlin commented 7 years ago

The idea it self isn't bad, but would cause some confusion down the line for regular use. As example, a new user joins a server, and he sees another user use the bot with the prefix @@, the the new user can try and fail due to that little detail.

bobloy commented 7 years ago

I could see a per-channel prefix being clearer than per-user, but I'm curious what advantage you see in it? @QingyuChai

tekulvw commented 7 years ago

What's the benefit of having per-channel (or user) prefixes when we already have per-server ones? I'm just not seeing it...sure it could be to avoid another bot, but why would you want to avoid it in just one channel?

Stylite commented 7 years ago

Make v3 tracebacks print to a gist using pythongists

dsvobo commented 6 years ago

Making the bot look cleaner. Making the Help messages an embed would be a very cool feature that some have even made cogs for.

tekulvw commented 6 years ago

Last comment from December, I don't think we need this issue open anymore.

Sashasonic commented 6 years ago

Embed Whiz (not sure if that's done already.. sometimes it's not long enough - ie: time for each step) or maybe even a link to one like the Nadeko Embed maker / builder uses; but a custom one for Red v3