CogComp / cogcomp-nlp

CogComp's Natural Language Processing Libraries and Demos: Modules include lemmatizer, ner, pos, prep-srl, quantifier, question type, relation-extraction, similarity, temporal normalizer, tokenizer, transliteration, verb-sense, and more.
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Unable to install all views from cogcompnlp-pipeline webserver #731

Open aayushee opened 4 years ago

aayushee commented 4 years ago

I am using cogcompnlp version 3.1.22, specifically the annotators in pipeline but I can't see all the views when the server is started. Only POS, SHALLOW PARSE and TOKENS views are working. I want to use Verb SRL and NER views as well. I have done mvn install on the whole project and which builds only illinois-cogcompnlp and starts failing from illinois-core-utilities. I did update project repository to as well. Can someone please let me know how to install rest of the pipeline components? Thanks!