Coheteria-TECSpace /

Sitio web para TECSpace, información sobre proyectos
MIT License
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cambiando el titulo #7

Closed ramirorayo closed 2 years ago

ramirorayo commented 2 years ago

The Site Configuration

Import the theme

theme: jekyll-theme-chirpy

Change the following value to '/PROJECT_NAME' ONLY IF your site type is GitHub Pages Project sites

and doesn't have a custom domain.

baseurl: "" url: ""

The language of the webpage ›

If it has the same name as one of the files in folder _data/locales, the layout language will also be changed,

otherwise, the layout language will use the default value of 'en'.

lang: en

Additional parameters for datetime localization, optional. ›


Change to your timezone ›


jekyll-seo-tag settings ›

↓ --------------------------

title: TECSpace # the main title

tagline: A text-focused Jekyll theme # it will display as the sub-title

description: >- # used by seo meta and the atom feed A minimal, responsive, and powerful Jekyll theme for presenting professional writing.

fill in the protocol & hostname for your site, e.g., ''

url: ''

github: username: github_username # change to your github username

twitter: username: twitter_username # change to your twitter username


Change to your full name.

It will be displayed as the default author of the posts and the copyright owner in the Footer

name: your_full_name email: # change to your email address links:

The first element serves as the copyright owner's link

-      # change to your twitter homepage
-       # change to your github homepage
# Uncomment below to add more social links
# -
# -

google_site_verification: # fill in to your verification string

↑ --------------------------

The end of jekyll-seo-tag settings

google_analytics: id: # fill in your Google Analytics ID

Google Analytics pageviews report settings

pv: proxy_endpoint: # fill in the Google Analytics superProxy endpoint of Google App Engine cache_path: # the local PV cache data, friendly to visitors from GFW region

Prefer color scheme setting.


Note: Keep empty will follow the system prefer color by default,

and there will be a toggle to switch the theme between dark and light

on the bottom left of the sidebar.


Available options:


light - Use the light color scheme

dark - Use the dark color scheme

# theme_mode: # [light|dark]

The CDN endpoint for images.

Notice that once it is assigned, the CDN url

will be added to all image (site avatar & posts' images) paths starting with '/'


e.g. ''


the avatar on sidebar, support local or CORS resources


boolean type, the global switch for ToC in posts.

toc: true

comments: active: # The global switch for posts comments, e.g., 'disqus'. Keep it empty means disable

The active options are as follows:

disqus: shortname: # fill with the Disqus shortname. ›

utterances settings ›

utterances: repo: # / issue_term: # < url | pathname | title | ...>

Giscus options ›

giscus: repo: # / repo_id: category: category_id: mapping: # optional, default to 'pathname' input_position: # optional, default to 'bottom' lang: # optional, default to the value of site.lang

Self-hosted static assets, optional ›

assets: self_host: enabled: # boolean, keep empty means false

specify the Jekyll environment, empty means both

# only works if `assets.self_host.enabled` is 'true'
env:          # [development|production]

paginate: 10

------------ The following options are not recommended to be modified ------------------

kramdown: syntax_highlighter: rouge syntax_highlighter_opts: # Rouge Options › css_class: highlight

default_lang: console

  line_numbers: false
  line_numbers: true
  start_line: 1

collections: tabs: output: true sort_by: order


sass: style: compressed

compress_html: clippings: all comments: all endings: all profile: false blanklines: false ignore: envs: [development]


jekyll-archives: enabled: [categories, tags] layouts: category: category tag: tag permalinks: tag: /tags/:name/ category: /categories/:name/

lross2k commented 2 years ago

Ya se resolvió en #3