CoinCheung / DeepLab-v3-plus-cityscapes

mIOU=80.02 on cityscapes. My implementation of deeplabv3+ (also know as 'Encoder-Decoder with Atrous Separable Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation' based on the dataset of cityscapes).
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How to train the model on single GPU? #2

Closed zhixuanli closed 5 years ago

zhixuanli commented 5 years ago

This ninja error continuously occurs:

Command '['ninja', '-v']' returned non-zero exit status 1

As the instruction of the inplace_abn author:

I have to change the GCC version to 7.3.

But I'm not the root of the server, so I could not install any new GCC.

How can I train your code on a single GPU? I have a GPU on my own machine.

Thank you so much for your neat codes!

CoinCheung commented 5 years ago

Hi, I dont think you can train this code on single gpu, since I used batch size of 8 on two 1080ti gpus. If you train on one gpu, you will have to endure a batch size of 4 which will significantly harm the performance of BN based models. Therefore, I do not recommend you to try it.

zhixuanli commented 5 years ago

Thank you!