CoinWizard / kuna-sdk

Javascript Library that support cryptocurrency exchange
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
4 stars 3 forks source link

* kuna-sdk vs ccxt #3

Closed olexiyb closed 6 years ago

olexiyb commented 6 years ago

I have discovered library that actually supports Kuna.

Do we want to switch to ccxt inside? Just wanted to get your opinion.

m-tymchyk commented 6 years ago

Yes, it's possible. But I've created this SDK, because ccxt less mobile to release a "production ready" changes (like adding new currency or market).

And Kuna announced a brand new API with similar interface as Binance API. This SKD will be first that support new Kuna API.

If we switch to cctx inside, that we will became slow as cctx :)

olexiyb commented 6 years ago

Fare point