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Coinigy API Examples
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No timestamp in websocket response? #35

Open jiomai opened 6 years ago

jiomai commented 6 years ago

Am I doing something wront? Or am I missing something?

I subscribe to a channel like this: var scChannel = SCsocket.subscribe("MY PRIVATE CHANNEL ID");

Then I logout the response: (data) {

this gives me:

{ MessageType: 'Favorite', Data: [ { exch_id: 7, exch_code: 'BITF', exch_name: 'Bitfinex', mkt_id: 125, exchmkt_id: 347, display_name: 'BTC/USD', mkt_name: 'BTC/USD', primary_curr: 'USD', base_curr: 'BTC', last_price: 6487.7, btc_volume_24: 25889.177, volume_24: 25889.177, percent_24: 0.0245274631 }, { exch_id: 15, exch_code: 'BTRX‘,

There I can see no timestamp.

If I subscribe to an orderbook, sometimes there is a timestamp, but most of the time there is not....

Does that make sense?