ColbyStatSvyRsch / surveyCV

R package {surveyCV}: K-fold cross-validation for complex sample survey designs, and associated paper (
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Issue Encountered with folds.svy Function in surveyCV Package #6

Closed beyound88 closed 6 months ago

beyound88 commented 6 months ago

Dear surveyCV Package Author I am reaching out to seek assistance with an issue I encountered while using your surveyCV package for cross-validation in my survey data analysis. I am currently using R version 4.3.2, surveyCV package version0.2.0 ,on a Windows 11 operating system.The issue I encountered is as follows:When attempting to use the folds.svy function for stratified sampling of my survey data, I encountered the following error message:Error in folds.svy(Data = Data, nfolds = nfolds, strataID = strataID, : not all nfolds <= table(foldID.clus$strat) are TRUE. This issue arises when I try to partition my dataset into 5 folds for cross-validation. Below is a simplified code example that reproduces this error:

NHANES_design <- svydesign( data = demo.train, ids = ~sdmvpsu, strata = ~sdmvstra, nest = TRUE, weights = ~nhs_wt, survey.lonely.psu = "adjust")


1 2 3

3578 3499 107

tmal1 <- svyglm(y~x+age+sex+eth+marital+PIR+edu, NHANES_design,family = quasibinomial())

cv.svyglm(tmal1, nfolds =5)

Error in folds.svy(Data = Data, nfolds = nfolds, strataID = strataID, : not all nfolds <= table(foldID.clus$strat) are TRUE.

cv.svyglm(tmal1, nfolds =2)

mean SE

. Model_1 0.45621 0.01

This issue arises when I try to partition my dataset into 5 folds for cross-validation. But when I try to partition my dataset into 2 folds for cross-validation, it can Runs smoothly! I have attempted to check my dataset for any apparent issues and consulted the documentation, but have not found a way to resolve this issue. I am unsure if it is a problem with my data or if there are some limitations in the function itself that I am not aware of. I greatly appreciate the effort you have put into developing this package; it has been immensely helpful for my research. I would be grateful if you could assist me in resolving this issue or guide me on how to proceed further. Thank you very much for your time and assistance!