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New releasables formables and dynamic names #574

Closed Icch0 closed 1 year ago

Icch0 commented 1 year ago

This started as a cleanup of our country files and evolved into a branch for new tags and dynamic names

Due to the cleanup this branch should be merged as soon as possible because it will cause huge merge confilcts for any branch that changes 00_countries.txt, 00_dynamic_country_names.txt or countries_l_english.yml


Administrative countries can now change their head of government law if they are independent

New releasable countries: (with flags) -IMO: Inner Mongolia -KAR: Karakalpakstan -EIN: East Indonesia -FLO: Florida -FAR: Faroe Islands -VAL: Valencia -WLL: Wallonia -MEZ: Mezzogiorno -PAD: Padania -STY: South Tirol -KRL: Karelia -KAL: Kaliningrad -KLM: Kalmykia -VOJ: Vojvodina -KTA: Katanga -DAR: Darfur -ORO: Oromia -TIG: Tigray -AZA: Azawad -BIA: Biafra -FGU: Guyane

New formables: (with flags) -BNL: Benelux Union -ALP: Alpine Union -MPH: Maphilindo -IMP: Imperial Federation -ESF: Estonian–Finnish Federation -ZAP: Zapadoslavia -TGC: Turkish-Greek Confederation -ANT: Antillean Confederation -SGA: Senegambia -CUM: Canada-USA-Mexico -LEV: Levant

Old tags with new flags: ASS - Assyria GRI - Guaraní WYU - Wayuu THL - Tehuelche TOB - Batak KLT - Kalimantan ATA - Altai IUS - Tatarstan GNG - Guangxi YUN - Yunnan HNA - Hunan GUI - Guizhou XIB - Xibei

New dynamic names:

GBR - United Kingdom (PREV. Great Britain) -British Republic (Republic) (PREV. United Kingdom) -Great Britain (Dictatorship) (PREV. British Commonwealth) -Anglican Communion (Theocracy) -British Empire (Fascist) -United British Communes (Communist)

IRE - Ireland -Éire Nua (Federal, Owns Ulster) -Irish Free State (Subject) -Kindom of Ireland (Monarchy)

ULS - Nortern Ireland -Ulster (Dictatorship)

ENG -England -England and Wales (Does NOT own Scotland and Ireland, Accepts Welsh)

NET - Netherlands -Batavian Republic (Communist)

SWI - Switzerland -Helvetic Republic (Communist)

DEN - Denmark -Secret Denmark (Owns Greenland and no Danish homeland )

IMP: - Imperial Federation -Oceania (Communist, Dictatorship)

TUR - Turkey -Türkiye (Year >= 2022, elites or patriots or moralists in power)

RUS - Soviet Union -Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics (Communist, Democratic) -Union of Sovereign States (NOT Communist) -Eurasian Union (Fascist) -Russian Empire (Monarchist)

RSF - Russia -Tsardom of Russia (Monarchist) -Russian Socialist Soviet Republic (Communist) -Muscovy (Subject) -Union State of Russia and Belarus (Owns Minsk)

USA - United States -50 Colonies (British subject)

SLO - Slovenia -Illyria (Monarchist)

SER - Serbia -Serbia and Montenegro (Owns Montenegro)

PER - Iran -Persia (Absolute Monarchy) -Islamic Republic of Iran (Theocracy)

FAR - Kamtchaka -Far Eastern Republic (Republic) -Green Ukraine (Ukrainian subject)

CYP - Cyprus: -United Cyprus (Multicultural)

NMC - North Macedonia -Ilirida (Albanian subject)

MEX - Mexico -Zapatista (Communist, Revolutionary tag)

SOS - South Ossetia -Alania (Russian subject or monarchy)

PAL - Palestine -Judea (Subject of Israel)

ISR - Israel -Isratin (Multicultural) -People's Front of Judea (Communist, Democratic, Revolutionary tag) -Judean Peoples's Front (Communist, Dictatorship, Revolutionary tag)

PRC - Peoples Republic of China: -Federal Republic of China (NOT Communist)

BAH - Bahamas -Lucayan Federation (Owns Turks and Caicos Islands)

UCA - Central America -United Fruits Company (Corporate Government)

EAU - East Africa -Socialist Union of the Horn of Africa (Communist)

VNM - Indochina -Indochinese Federation (Communist)

EWE - Togo: -Eweland (Owns all of Togo)

TRH - Turkestan -Turan (Fascist)

AFH - Afghanistan -Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Theocracy) -Taliban (Theocracy, Revolutionary)

BGL - Bangladesh -Bengal (Subject)

DJI - Djibouti -Afars and Issas (Subject, Year >= 1967)

OMA - Oman -Muscat and Oman (Year < 1970)

CAM - Cambodia -Khmer Republic (Dictatorship) -Kampuchea (Communist)

MTB - Zimbabwe -Zimbabwe-Rhodesia (Independent, NOT multiculturalist)

MYM - Burma -Myanmar (Integrationist or higher)

CVD - Cape Verde -Capo Verde (Year >= 2013)

NZL - New Zealand -Aotearoa (Independent, Republic)

IRQ - Iraq -Islamic State of Iraq (Theocracy OR Fascist)

LEV - Levant -Islamic State (Theocracy OR Fascist)

ARA - Arabia -The Caliphate (Theocracy OR Fascist)

MDR - Madras Presidency -Dravida Nadu (NOT multiculturalist)

PHI - Philippines -Mahárlika (Independent, Dictatorship)

RWA - Rwanda: -Uranda-Burundi (Burundi does not exists)

BOH - Czechia: -Bohemia (Monarchist)