ColdGrub1384 / LibTerm

iOS sandboxed terminal with Python, Lua and Clang
MIT License
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pbpaste redirection not working #2

Closed adbennet closed 5 years ago

adbennet commented 5 years ago

Neither | nor > works with pbpaste. Maybe it is going to stderr instead of stdout? A simple demo: $ echo 'foo bar' > tmp $ wc tmp 1 2 8 tmp $ cat tmp | pbcopy $ pbpaste foo bar $ pbpaste | wc foo bar 0 0 0 $ pbpaste > tmp foo bar $ wc tmp 0 0 0 tmp $

ColdGrub1384 commented 5 years ago

Very strange... pbpaste prints to the stdout but doesn't write to the file. It doesn't write to the stderr since the text is printed in green and not in red. I will try to debug.

adbennet commented 5 years ago

NULL gets written to the file. If that helps the debugging.

ColdGrub1384 commented 5 years ago

I fixed it

adbennet commented 5 years ago

I am still seeing the same behavior in "LibTerm version 3.0.1 (3), Dec 16, 2018 at 11:27 AM". Later I will update to version 4 and retry. update: Fixed in 4.0.1 (2), Dec 21, 2018 at 4:44 PM. Thanks.

ColdGrub1384 commented 5 years ago

It seems commands failed to replace. Thank you for reporting!

ColdGrub1384 commented 5 years ago

I just fixed it.