ColemanGariety / galileo

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Account password changed #7

Open djekl opened 10 years ago

djekl commented 10 years ago

Hi I recently changed my account password, but I can't seem to find any way to update this in the limited docs. I just get the following error.

djekl@Alans-Mac-mini:~$ galileo
I, [2014-01-31T11:26:38.791635 #51143]  INFO -- : APICache starred: Exception raised (Cannot fetch starred: queried too recently - APICache::CannotFetch)
W, [2014-01-31T11:26:38.791707 #51143]  WARN -- : APICache starred: Data not available in the cache or from API

No results found. Have you starred any repos? Have you exceeded your rate limit?
hofmannsven commented 10 years ago

Take a look at the ~/.netrc file. You can update it right there :)

ColemanGariety commented 10 years ago

@hofmannsven is correct but there ought to be a better way. I'll look into this.