Colin-Codes / IntentClassifier-ML-Project

Pyhton, Keras, SciKit-Learn, Matplotlib: Machine learning research project around classification of intent behind tech support emails in order to enable automatic follow up.
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Report section 5 - a brief description of hardware or software requirements; #15

Closed Colin-Codes closed 5 years ago

Colin-Codes commented 5 years ago

5.5 A brief description of hardware or software requirementsIn this section, you are expected to provide a list of hardware and software requirements that you need in order to carry out your project. In addition, you are
5required to provide information as to whether or not such resources are readily available. Strictly speaking, it is your responsibility to ensure that your project requires resources that you have access to, and that these will remain available for the duration of the project.

5.8.2 The Faculty Software Repository The Faculty Software Central Portal allows you to download and install selectedsoftware packages to support your academic studies (e.g. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition). Go to, and see what is available.

Colin-Codes commented 5 years ago
