Colin-Codes / IntentClassifier-ML-Project

Pyhton, Keras, SciKit-Learn, Matplotlib: Machine learning research project around classification of intent behind tech support emails in order to enable automatic follow up.
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Report section 6 - a brief discussion concerning the potential need for Ethics Approval; #16

Closed Colin-Codes closed 5 years ago

Colin-Codes commented 5 years ago

5.6 Ethics Approval In this section, you should discuss whether or not your project is likely to require ethics approval. If you think that your project:• does not require ethics approval, you must explain why;• requires ethics approval, you must provide a brief description of the study/studies that you are planning to conduct. Under the University’s Ethics Approval regulations, any studies involving human subjects must receive approval from the appropriate School Ethics Committee. Examples of studies involving human subjects typically carried out by Computer Science MSc Project students include: interviews for requirements gathering, surveys, usability studies, and evaluation studies. The process of obtaining ethics approval is straightforward and it requires you to: • design and develop your research instrument (e.g. questionnaire, interview script, etc.); • complete the Ethics Approval form;• email the completed form and research instrument to your project supervisor (please note that you must add a scanned version of your signature to the form). Your project supervisor will then inspect the completed form and research instrument. If both documents have been completed according to the School’s recommendations, your supervisor will forward these documents to the Ethics Committee. You must then wait for the formal approval by the Ethics Committee. No study involving human subjects can commence without formal approval by the Ethics Committee. There are severe penalties for students who conduct studies involving human subjects without prior approval. It should be noted that you can apply for ethics approval at a later stage in the project. For example, you may change your mind and decide that you actually need to conduct a study involving human subjects (and initially you thought that you did not), or that you need to design and conduct a follow-up study. When applying for ethics approval, please bear in mind that the entire process takes 2-3 weeks.

5.8.1 Ethics Approval Download and read the following documents:• EthicsApprovalForm.doc; • EthicsApprovalGuidelines.doc. The EthicsApprovalGuidelines.doc document provides an example of a preamble that can be included in any research instruments that you develop as part of your MSc project. After reading both documents, listen to Professor Alan Davies’ overview concerning the ethics approval process within our Faculty.

Colin-Codes commented 5 years ago

confirmed not required,