Colin97 / MSN-Point-Cloud-Completion

Morphing and Sampling Network for Dense Point Cloud Completion (AAAI2020)
Apache License 2.0
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Failed to run EMD #6

Open YiruS opened 4 years ago

YiruS commented 4 years ago


I tried to run emd_module/test_emd(). However, after "python3 install" and run, it shows "AttributeError: module 'emd' has no attribute 'forward'", at line 58.

Any possible reason about it?

Here's the configuration of my machin: Python 3.7 Pytorch 1.3.0 CUDA 9.2


levtelyatnikov commented 3 years ago


I tried to run emd_module/test_emd(). However, after "python3 install" and run, it shows "AttributeError: module 'emd' has no attribute 'forward'", at line 58.

Any possible reason about it?

Here's the configuration of my machin: Python 3.7 Pytorch 1.3.0 CUDA 9.2


Helli, Have you solved the issue? I have the same (I am running it on the Google Colab)

leelegend94 commented 2 years ago

I also encountered with this problem when I try to use symbolic link adding the EMD library to my own project. The solution is building it directly in your project directory.

alejandroHdzV commented 1 year ago

@leelegend94 What do you mean by building it directly in your project directory, please? Could you please explain a bit more? I also encountered the same issue: "AttributeError: module 'emd' has no attribute 'forward'"

ky-zhou commented 1 month ago

The trick is that the folder of 'emd' has the same name as the module you compiled. Simply change the folder name or the module name and modify the code accordingly.