Colin97 / OpenShape_code

official code of “OpenShape: Scaling Up 3D Shape Representation Towards Open-World Understanding”
Apache License 2.0
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scaling up strategy #3

Closed Wolfwjs closed 1 year ago

Wolfwjs commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much for such a great job! I have noticed from your paper that scaling up has played a very important role.

May I ask what are the model parameters of SparseConv & PointBERT after scaling up and what is the scaling strategy in detail ?

Colin97 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for your attention. Please refer to the supplementary materials for the details of scaling strategy (section 6.4).

For the model parameters of SparseConv & PointBERT, please check our code. Here are the commands for the two backbones:

python3 src/ --trail_name spconv_all python3 src/ --trail_name pointbert_all model.scaling=4 model.use_dense=True training.lr_decay_rate=0.967