ColinDuquesnoy / QDarkStyleSheet

A dark style sheet for QtWidgets application
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Improve C++ use case explanation in documentation #329

Closed AlexPoltak closed 8 months ago

AlexPoltak commented 1 year ago

Hi.I would like to use QDarkStyleSheet in my application. I code in c++ and in README is wrote that i should copy files : qdarkstyle/theme/style.qss qdarkstyle/theme/style.qrc qdarkstyle/theme/rc/ (the whole directory)

However the folder "theme" i could not find on branch. How can i implement this dark theme to my c++ qt app? Really thanks for reply.

Jihadist commented 1 year ago

hi, you need another folder

dpizetta commented 9 months ago

@AlexPoltak [theme] should be changed to the theme chosen, for example: qdarkstyle/dark/darkstyle.qss. We will try to improve the description.