ColinLefter / Accord

A real-time privacy-first social media platform leveraging feature-rich direct messaging text channels. Built as part of the course project for COSC 310 at UBC.
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Menu fix #222

Closed ColinLefter closed 2 months ago

ColinLefter commented 2 months ago

Summary of Changes

  1. added ability for admins to delete messages from any user in a text channel while giving non-admins only the ability to delete their own messages
  2. fixed an issue where text channel owners did not have admin privileges
  3. ensured real-time view switch to the friends tab upon being deleted from a text channel
  4. added UI styling flourishes: on-hover for text channels and friends tab while leaving text channels highlighted upon selection and removing the highlight upon switching back to the friends tab
  5. Thoroughly tested all core application features (friend requests, channel creation, direct messages, private mode on/off, admin privileges) and confirmed that all core features work without issue. There is only one known issue that involves message deletion (a special case that will not be patched). See the below for known issues.

Known Issues

Other Notes