Unity unlit screen space decal shader for URP. Just create a new material using this shader, then assign it to a new unity cube GameObject = DONE, now you have unlit decal working in URP
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Orthographic camera mode was only repaired for URP 8 --Now works both in 8.2 and 11 #35
unity_CameraToWorld no longer works the same in URP 11.0 as it worked in URP 8. I used the original UNITY_MATRIX_I_V matrix (from an old version of this repo.) with the LUX code. Hoping I won't have to fix anything again.
unity_CameraToWorld no longer works the same in URP 11.0 as it worked in URP 8. I used the original UNITY_MATRIX_I_V matrix (from an old version of this repo.) with the LUX code. Hoping I won't have to fix anything again.
More on this here: https://forum.unity.com/threads/where-is-unity_cameratoworld-documented.908183/