ColinOrr-Asidua / chitter

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Fix for Issues #16, #9, #17, #8 #18

Closed martinmicunda closed 10 years ago

martinmicunda commented 10 years ago

Fix for Issue #16 - Directory Re-structure Fix for Issue #9 - Add bower Fix for Issue #17 - Add grunt Partial fix for Issue #8 - Add env json files

martinmicunda commented 10 years ago

app is fully running just make sure u run "npm install" to get all dependencies

martinmicunda commented 10 years ago

Regarding to issue #10. I have dropped AppFog and data should be save in local mongoDB (u just need to run mongo db nothing else is required, db and collection will be created automatically).. The config details come from app/config/env/development.json and probably in the future this file won't be in the repo so everybody can config db connection as they wish e.g. (local, MongoLob, AppFog etc.)

ColinOrr-Asidua commented 10 years ago

Sorry Martin maybe I wasn't clear before, but I only want one pull request per issue. It's the only way the whole team will be able to review, discuss and understand changes made to the project.

On another note, I notice there's a lot of place holders and TODOs in the code. For example a Grunt file with no tasks, or a testing directory structure with no real tests. I think this is a bad idea, it's far better to wait until such things are needed - that way the developer doing the work can decide what needs done.

So, lets slow down a little bit and lets work on each individual issue in isolation. Why not start with just the top-level directory structure and get a pull request in for that. Once the project stabilises, we'll add the core team as contributors.

martinmicunda commented 10 years ago

Regarding to "one pull request per issue" once I have made first pull it's starting pushing all other commits automatiacally to your repo (without pull request).. I think that's because you can make only one commit per issue (if we could have contributore acces that mean we can merge code after each commit).

There are already tasks in Gruntfile and also test folders contanins test files. I was using TODOs for future work..

Could we start the project with the code that I have pushed during the weekend as the code follow good back-end practice. There is also mongooose, grunt, bower, travisCI, test runner. So we could start working from there...

ColinOrr-Asidua commented 10 years ago

Like I said, I'll add the core team as contributors once the project stabilises. Until then we'll stick with Fork & Pull, with small incremental updates, so that everyone can understand how the project is changing. Now we have a team of people looking and using the source code, I'm keen to keep changes as clear and simple as possible.

I'll stay on top of the pull requests and give you quick feedback, so hopefully you won't need to work on multiple issues at the same time. If you don't want to wait, I think you'll need to use a branch for each issue then issue a pull request from the branch.

martinmicunda commented 10 years ago

okay so could we start project on the top of my code.. so chris could start working on AngularJS and Brent can working with tests..?

ColinOrr-Asidua commented 10 years ago

I think if we just start with the top-level folder structure:

Then Chris can sort out the directory structure under client as part of the AngularJS work, and Brent can do likewise with the test folder. This is the key issue to get us started, then you can get on with Mongoose, Bower etc.

chrislaughlin commented 10 years ago

Okay if we can get the top level issue merged and in the repo when we can work on the next task, just so we can keep the ball rolling on the work.