ColinPitrat / kalenji-gps-watch-reader

A tool to import data from some Kalenji running watches
GNU General Public License v3.0
30 stars 11 forks source link

Compiling kalenji_reader on OSX #52

Closed fpb closed 8 years ago

fpb commented 8 years ago


First of all, thank you for your wonderful piece of software. I managed to compile it under OSX 10.11.6 but I am facing some problems. My device is a OnMove 200...

First, some info on what I changed to compile it:

I downloaded, compiled and installed from source both libusb-1.0 and libcurl. Both got installed in /usr/local. libxml2 was already installed under /usr (I suspect it comes with the os).

I didn't have pkg-config so I manually edited the Makefile. I will try again with pkg-config installed to minimize the changes for OSX.

I managed to import a workout (in fact it was a car ride to test the GPS accuracy). It imported it ok but with an extra point at the end near Lat=0, Long=0. However, subsequent imports generate a segmentation fault after releasing the device.

Next I tried to compile it with debug (needed to remove -Og option) and I got the following output:

_./test/unit/unit_tester --gtest_shuffle Note: Randomizing tests' orders with a seed of 28474 . [==========] Running tests from test cases. [----------] Global test environment set-up. [----------] tests from EmptyLapsTest [ RUN ] EmptyLapsTest.NullDurationLapsRemoved [ OK ] EmptyLapsTest.NullDurationLapsRemoved ( ms) [ RUN ] EmptyLapsTest.NullDistanceLapsRemoved [ OK ] EmptyLapsTest.NullDistanceLapsRemoved ( ms) [ RUN ] EmptyLapsTest.NoLapRemovedIfNoEmptyLap [ OK ] EmptyLapsTest.NoLapRemovedIfNoEmptyLap ( ms) [ RUN ] EmptyLapsTest.SameStartAndEndPointsLapsRemoved [ OK ] EmptyLapsTest.SameStartAndEndPointsLapsRemoved ( ms) [----------] tests from EmptyLapsTest ( ms total)

[----------] tests from ReducePointsTest [ RUN ] ReducePointsTest.LessPointsThanMax Reduced session from 10 to 2 points (min angle = pi/63). test/unit/filter/ Failure Expected: 10u Which is: To be equal to: aSession.getPoints().size() Which is: [ FAILED ] ReducePointsTest.LessPointsThanMax ( ms) [ RUN ] ReducePointsTest.MorePointsThanMaxRemovesStraightLines Reduced session from 250 to 3 points (min angle = pi/4). test/unit/filter/ Failure Expected: 6u Which is: To be equal to: aSession.getPoints().size() Which is: [ FAILED ] ReducePointsTest.MorePointsThanMaxRemovesStraightLines ( ms) [ RUN ] ReducePointsTest.MorePointsThanMax Reduced session from 60 to 2 points (min angle = pi/63). [ OK ] ReducePointsTest.MorePointsThanMax ( ms) [----------] tests from ReducePointsTest ( ms total)

[----------] tests from UtilsTest [ RUN ] UtilsTest.durationAsStringConvertsDurationToStringWithMsLowerThan100 test/unit/ Failure Expected: "9d 3h49m2s027" To be equal to: testString.c_str() Which is: "" [ FAILED ] UtilsTest.durationAsStringConvertsDurationToStringWithMsLowerThan100 ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.ThrowStreamThrows [ OK ] UtilsTest.ThrowStreamThrows ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.FormatterStreamAndImplicitStr [ OK ] UtilsTest.FormatterStreamAndImplicitStr ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.testDirDoesntExistDoNotCreate Error: /tmp/UtilsTest doesn't exist and I couldn't create it [ OK ] UtilsTest.testDirDoesntExistDoNotCreate ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.splitStringFourTokens [ OK ] UtilsTest.splitStringFourTokens ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.ThrowStreamExceptionContainsMessage [ OK ] UtilsTest.ThrowStreamExceptionContainsMessage ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.testDirOnRegularFile Error: /tmp/UtilsTest is not a directory [ OK ] UtilsTest.testDirOnRegularFile ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.splitStringOneToken [ OK ] UtilsTest.splitStringOneToken ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.str_to_int_42 test/unit/ Failure Expected: 42u Which is: To be equal to: str_to_int("42") Which is: [ FAILED ] UtilsTest.str_to_int_42 ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.distanceEarthParisLondon [ OK ] UtilsTest.distanceEarthParisLondon ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.trimStringTerminalTabsAndSpaces [ OK ] UtilsTest.trimStringTerminalTabsAndSpaces ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.str_to_int_trailing_chars test/unit/ Failure Expected: 42u Which is: To be equal to: str_to_int("42azerty") Which is: [ FAILED ] UtilsTest.str_to_int_trailing_chars ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.durationAsStringConvertsDurationToString test/unit/ Failure Expected: "10d 7h42m20s" To be equal to: testString.c_str() Which is: "" [ FAILED ] UtilsTest.durationAsStringConvertsDurationToString ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.testDirWithParentDirARegularFile Error: An element in /tmp/UtilsTest/UtilsTest is not a directory [ OK ] UtilsTest.testDirWithParentDirARegularFile ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.FormatterStreamAndStr [ OK ] UtilsTest.FormatterStreamAndStr ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.testDirDoesntExistCreate [ OK ] UtilsTest.testDirDoesntExistCreate ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.trimStringInitialTabsAndSpaces [ OK ] UtilsTest.trimStringInitialTabsAndSpaces ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.testDirNoPermissions test/unit/ Failure Expected: -1 Which is: To be equal to: testDir("/root/UtilsTest", true) Which is: [ FAILED ] UtilsTest.testDirNoPermissions ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.durationAsStringConvertsDurationToStringWithMs test/unit/ Failure Expected: "7d 6h34m55s327" To be equal to: testString.c_str() Which is: "" [ FAILED ] UtilsTest.durationAsStringConvertsDurationToStringWithMs ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.str_to_int_0 [ OK ] UtilsTest.str_to_int_0 ( ms) [ RUN ] UtilsTest.str_to_int_only_chars [ OK ] UtilsTest.str_to_int_only_chars ( ms) [----------] tests from UtilsTest ( ms total)

[----------] tests from ComputeSessionStatsTest [ RUN ] ComputeSessionStatsTest.AscentDescentComputationWhenGoingDown Ascent is 0 and descent is 100 [ OK ] ComputeSessionStatsTest.AscentDescentComputationWhenGoingDown ( ms) [ RUN ] ComputeSessionStatsTest.MaxAndAvgSpeedComputation Ascent is 22200 and descent is 22856 [ OK ] ComputeSessionStatsTest.MaxAndAvgSpeedComputation ( ms) [ RUN ] ComputeSessionStatsTest.DurationComputation Ascent is 0 and descent is 100 [ OK ] ComputeSessionStatsTest.DurationComputation ( ms) [ RUN ] ComputeSessionStatsTest.DistanceComputation Ascent is 2794 and descent is 0 [ OK ] ComputeSessionStatsTest.DistanceComputation ( ms) [ RUN ] ComputeSessionStatsTest.AscentDescentComputationWhenClimbing Ascent is 100 and descent is 0 [ OK ] ComputeSessionStatsTest.AscentDescentComputationWhenClimbing ( ms) [----------] tests from ComputeSessionStatsTest ( ms total)

[----------] tests from NullHeartrateTest [ RUN ] NullHeartrateTest.FirstPointNotFixed [ OK ] NullHeartrateTest.FirstPointNotFixed ( ms) [ RUN ] NullHeartrateTest.BetweenTwoPointsWithDifferentValues [ OK ] NullHeartrateTest.BetweenTwoPointsWithDifferentValues ( ms) [ RUN ] NullHeartrateTest.BetweenTwoPointsWithSameValue [ OK ] NullHeartrateTest.BetweenTwoPointsWithSameValue ( ms) [----------] tests from NullHeartrateTest ( ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down [==========] tests from test cases ran. ( ms total) [ PASSED ] tests. [ FAILED ] tests, listed below: [ FAILED ] ReducePointsTest.LessPointsThanMax [ FAILED ] ReducePointsTest.MorePointsThanMaxRemovesStraightLines [ FAILED ] UtilsTest.durationAsStringConvertsDurationToStringWithMsLowerThan100 [ FAILED ] UtilsTest.str_to_int_42 [ FAILED ] UtilsTest.str_to_int_trailing_chars [ FAILED ] UtilsTest.durationAsStringConvertsDurationToString [ FAILED ] UtilsTest.testDirNoPermissions [ FAILED ] UtilsTest.durationAsStringConvertsDurationToStringWithMs

8 FAILED TESTS make: *\ [unittest] Error 1

Also, when I run the debug build I immediately get an error (the verbose flag was on):

kalenji_reader(24912,0x7fff76b3b000) malloc: * error for object 0x102ec7a20: pointer being freed was not allocated * set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug Abort trap: 6

The release version outputs:

session 0 already imported Segmentation fault: 11


fpb commented 8 years ago

Update: curiously, If I managed to get it working by simply setting the path in the config file. I was setting both the path and the device...

Are the problems with the unit tests problematic?

ColinPitrat commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I'm happy that this builds on OS X. If this works after setting the path in the config file, this is a good start. Does the result of the import seem correct ?

The segmentation fault and the failing unit tests highlights portability bugs that it would be interesting to understand and fix. From the output however, I don't get what the issue(s) could be.

fpb commented 8 years ago

Update: I have both release and debug versions compiled. Debug version gives me a malloc error:

kalenji_reader_dbg(2943,0x7fff73f85000) malloc: *** error for object 0x1077efa20: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Abort trap: 6

Running the release version works ok:

 session 0 already imported
 session 1 already imported
 session 2 already imported

I am also attaching the differences I have from you code to compile on OSX El Capitan, in case you wish to integrate OSX support. I am willing to make any additional tests you need.

git diff bd670a2d5ae01f6d907381964edcf0773c28fd93
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 9670f56..9babcfd 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-INCPATH=-Isrc $(shell pkg-config --cflags libusb-1.0) $(shell pkg-config --cflags libxml-2.0) $(shell pkg-config --cflags libcurl)
-LIBS=$(shell pkg-config --libs libusb-1.0) $(shell pkg-config --libs libxml-2.0) $(shell pkg-config --libs libcurl)
+INCPATH=-Isrc $(shell pkg-config --cflags libusb-1.0) $(shell pkg-config --cflags libcurl) -I/usr/include/libxml2
+LIBS=$(shell pkg-config --libs libusb-1.0) $(shell pkg-config --libs libxml2) $(shell pkg-config --libs libcurl) -lxml2
 WINOBJECTS=$(shell find src -name \*.cc | sed 's/.cc/.os/')
 OBJECTS=$(shell find src -name \*.cc | sed 's/.cc/.o/')
 HEADERS=$(shell find src -name \*.h)
-CFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -std=c++11
+CFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -std=c++11 -stdlib=libstdc++
-DEBUG_ADD_CFLAGS=-D DEBUG=1 -D _GLIBCXX_DEBUG -Og -g -coverage -pthread
+DEBUG_ADD_CFLAGS=-D DEBUG=1 -D _GLIBCXX_DEBUG -g -coverage -pthread
 WININCPATH=-I$(MINGW_PATH)/include/libusb-1.0/ -I$(MINGW_PATH)/include/libxml2/
 WINLIBS=$(MINGW_PATH)/lib/libusb-1.0.dll.a $(MINGW_PATH)/lib/libxml2.dll.a $(MINGW_PATH)/lib/libcurl.dll.a
@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ windows: $(TARGET).exe win

        @pkg-config --libs libusb-1.0 >/dev/null 2>&1 || (echo "Error: missing dependency libusb-1.0. Try installing libusb development package (e.g: libusb libusb-1 libusb-1.0.0-dev ...)" && false)
-       @pkg-config --libs libxml-2.0 >/dev/null 2>&1 || (echo "Error: missing dependency libxml2. Try installing libxml2 development package (e.g: libxml2 libxml2-dev ...)" && false)
        @pkg-config --libs libcurl >/dev/null 2>&1 || (echo "Error: missing dependency libcurl. Try installing libcurl development package (e.g: libcurl-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev ...)" && false)

diff --git a/src/device/OnMove200.h b/src/device/OnMove200.h
index d700573..f03e276 100644
--- a/src/device/OnMove200.h
+++ b/src/device/OnMove200.h
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@

 #include "Device.h"

 namespace device
-         The interface for OnMove 710 GPS watch. 
+         The interface for OnMove 200 GPS watch. 
        class OnMove200 : public Device

The imported files seem to be ok when compared to the ones imported the OnConnect utility.


ColinPitrat commented 8 years ago

Thanks. Having to remove pkg-config for libxml2 to replace it by a hardcoded value is a bit sad. Do you know why pkg-config is not finding info for libxml2 ? Was it properly installed ?

I guess the -Og doesn't work because the version of gcc is older than 4.8 ?

For the -stdlib=libstdc++, the problem is that it's not supported on the version of gcc I have on my laptop (I didn't check elsewhere). I need to find a way to make it conditional on building for OS X. What's the impact of not adding it ?

fpb commented 8 years ago


Thanks. Having to remove pkg-config for libxml2 to replace it by a hardcoded value is a bit sad. Do you know why pkg-config is not finding info for libxml2 ? Was it properly installed ?

I managed to get pkg-config to work with the system installed libxml2. Since I couldn't write to /usr/lib/pkconfig I added a /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/libxml-2.0.pc file with the following contents:


Name: libXML
Description: libXML library version2.
Version: 2.9.2
Libs: -L${libdir} -lxml2
Cflags: -I${includedir}/libxml2

However, this is still a hack and not very convenient. But I really don't know how pkg-config can handle standard libraries on OSX. Also, to compile it on a plain vanilla OSX system, we need to instal pkg-config, libcurl and libusb-1.0 beforehand.

I guess the -Og doesn't work because the version of gcc is older than 4.8 ?

OSX doesn't use gcc anymore. It uses the APPLE LLVM version 7.0 compiler. I tried setting CXX to llvml-g++ but no difference...

Compiler complains with:

error: invalid integral value 'g' in '-Og'

For the -stdlib=libstdc++, the problem is that it's not supported on the version of gcc I have on my laptop (I didn't check elsewhere). I need to find a way to make it conditional on building for OS X. What's the impact of not adding it ?

If I don't add it I get this:

c++ -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -std=c++11 -O2 -c -Isrc -I/usr/local/include/libusb-1.0 -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/local/include -o src/device/CWKalenji500SD.o src/device/
In file included from src/device/
In file included from src/device/CWKalenji500SD.h:4:
In file included from src/device/Device.h:6:
In file included from src/device/../bom/Session.h:10:
In file included from src/device/../bom/../bom/Lap.h:4:
In file included from src/device/../bom/Point.h:9:
src/device/../bom/../Utils.h:8:10: fatal error: 'tr1/memory' file not found
#include <tr1/memory>
1 error generated.
make: *** [src/device/CWKalenji500SD.o] Error 1


ColinPitrat commented 8 years ago

tr1 is a leftover of pre-c++11 code. This is not needed anymore, it should work without -stdlib=libstdc++ once removed.

-Og is a nice feature of gcc optimizing developer's experience but doesn't bring much for kalenji_reader, I'll replace it by -O0 as a simple fix to this issue :-)

Finally, the only thing that remains is:

Also, to compile it on a plain vanilla OSX system, we need to instal pkg-config, libcurl and libusb-1.0 beforehand.

I'll need to document this. If you have more info (e.g: links), I'm interested.

ColinPitrat commented 8 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, with my last commit and your hack to make pkg-config work, you should be able to build from the git repository without any modification to it.

fpb commented 8 years ago


I just cloned your repo and managed to build it on a "virgin" OS X El Capitan.

Here are the instructions (using Homebrew):

$ xcode-select --install

$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null

$ brew install pkg-config

$ brew install libusb

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/Library/ENV/pkgconfig/10.10

Note: replace 10.10 with whatever is the latest OS X version appearing listed under pkgconfig

$ git clone $ cd cd kalenji-gps-watch-reader $ make

ColinPitrat commented 8 years ago

Thanks. I just added your instructions on a new wiki page:

I also added your name in the list of contributors in the, tell me if this is not OK.

I think this issue can be closed, although it would be nice to understand where the core in debug and the failing unit tests come from.

fpb commented 8 years ago

I will resume this after getting back from some short vacations.

On Mon, Aug 22, 2016, 17:20 Colin Pitrat wrote:

Thanks. I just added your instructions on a new wiki page:

I also added your name in the list of contributors in the, tell me if this is not OK.

I think this issue can be closed, although it would be nice to understand where the core in debug and the failing unit tests come from.

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