ColinPitrat / polynomial

A quick & dirty C++ library to handle polynoms, including ones with coefficients on a finite fields
GNU General Public License v3.0
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valgrind warning in #1

Closed pierreg06 closed 7 years ago

pierreg06 commented 7 years ago

The following warning shows up in minusTimesXn method: ==2179== Invalid read of size 8 ==2179== at 0x4013F1: G2Poly::minusTimesXn(G2Poly const&, unsigned long) (g2polynomial.h:140) ==2179== by 0x401665: operator%(G2Poly const&, G2Poly const&) (g2polynomial.h:173) ==2179== by 0x401FBF: gcd(G2Poly, G2Poly) (g2polynomial.h:321) ==2179== by 0x403B22: G2Poly::mceliece(unsigned long) const (g2polynomial.h:500) ==2179== by 0x404084: main (test_g2polynomial.cpp:15) ==2179== Address 0x4c39bb8 is 0 bytes after a block of size 56 alloc'd ==2179== at 0x4A068F3: operator new(unsigned long) (in /usr/lib64/valgrind/ ==2179== by 0x4084CB: gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate(unsigned long, void const) (new_allocator.h:104) ==2179== by 0x4075CC: std::_Vector_base<unsigned long, std::allocator >::_M_allocate(unsigned long) (in /home/pierre/codingame/nintendo/soluce/test_g2polynomial) ==2179== by 0x406ADB: unsigned long std::vector<unsigned long, std::allocator >::_M_allocate_and_copy<gnu_cxx::normal_iterator<unsigned long const*, std::vector<unsigned long, std::allocator > > >(unsigned long, __gnu_cxx::normal_iterator<unsigned long const, std::vector<unsigned long, std::allocator > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<unsigned long const, std::vector<unsigned long, std::allocator > >) (stl_vector.h:1138) ==2179== by 0x405519: std::vector<unsigned long, std::allocator >::operator=(std::vector<unsigned long, std::allocator > const&) (vector.tcc:188) ==2179== by 0x40474A: G2Poly::operator=(G2Poly const&) (g2polynomial.h:13) ==2179== by 0x401FA5: gcd(G2Poly, G2Poly) (g2polynomial.h:320) ==2179== by 0x403B22: G2Poly::mceliece(unsigned long) const (g2polynomial.h:500) ==2179== by 0x404084: main (test_g2polynomial.cpp:15)

This could be fixed with the following modifications:

void G2Poly::minusTimesXn(const G2Poly &b, uint64_t n) { std::vector result; result.reserve(std::max(b.coeffs.size(), coeffs.size())); sizet i(0), j(0); auto size = coeffs.size(); auto size2 = b.coeffs.size(); auto ci = coeffs[i]; auto cj = b.coeffs_[j] + n; while(i < size && j < size2) { if(ci > cj) { result.pushback(ci); **++i; if (i<size) ci = coeffs[i]; } else if(ci < cj) { result.push_back(cj); ++j; if (j<size2) cj = b.coeffs[j] + n; } else { ++i; if (i<size) ci = coeffs[i]; ++j; if (j<size2) cj = b.coeffs_[j] + n;** } } // Insert remaining coeffs from other as they are obviously not in this while(i < size) { result.pushback(coeffs[i]); i++; } while(j < size2) { result.pushback(b.coeffs[j] + n); j++; } this->coeffs_.swap(result); }

Hope this helps.

ColinPitrat commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. Should be fix with