We currently have an existing Flutter app that needs to be upgraded to the latest Flutter and Dart versions (3.10 and 3.0.0 respectively). Additionally, we could discuss design modification of the app's design to support Material 3 guidelines. This issue is to track the necessary steps and collaboration required to accomplish these upgrades and design changes.
Steps to Implement:
[ ] Upgrade Flutter to version 3.10.
[ ] Upgrade code base to Dart 3.0.0.
[ ] Collaborate with the design team to modify the app's design for Material 3 support.
[ ] Test the upgraded app on different devices and screen sizes.
[ ] Address any compatibility issues or bugs that arise due to the upgrades.
[ ] Update the app documentation and README files to reflect the new Flutter and Dart versions.
Expected Outcome:
After completing these steps, we should have an upgraded Flutter app running on Flutter 3.10 and Dart 3.0.0, with a modified design that aligns with Material 3 guidelines. The app should be thoroughly tested and any compatibility issues or bugs resolved.
Additional Information:
The existing Flutter app is based on Flutter 3.7.1 and Dart 2.19.1.
The design team will provide updated design assets and guidelines for Material 3 support.
The app's dependencies and packages should also be updated as necessary to maintain compatibility with the upgraded Flutter and Dart versions.
Description: We currently have an existing Flutter app that needs to be upgraded to the latest Flutter and Dart versions (3.10 and 3.0.0 respectively). Additionally, we could discuss design modification of the app's design to support Material 3 guidelines. This issue is to track the necessary steps and collaboration required to accomplish these upgrades and design changes.
Steps to Implement:
Expected Outcome: After completing these steps, we should have an upgraded Flutter app running on Flutter 3.10 and Dart 3.0.0, with a modified design that aligns with Material 3 guidelines. The app should be thoroughly tested and any compatibility issues or bugs resolved.
Additional Information:
Related Resources: