CollActionteam / collaction_backend

Backend code for CollAction
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Post-join steps #107

Open rubenhorn opened 2 years ago

rubenhorn commented 2 years ago

After a user joins a crowdaction, they may see a "pop-up" with additional steps to take in order to improve retention and increase engagement. (see design)

The content is specific to each crowdaction and is stored (DB field post_join_call_to_action containing JSON string).
The following example shows the required fields and implied schema:

   "title": "Where to start?",
   "subtitle": "Need help hetting started? Here is an idea for your first groery list, let's go shopping!"
   "action_items": {
      "is_numbered": true,
      "items": ["Garlic", "Rosemary", "Thyme"]
   "call_to_action_subtitle": "Need more ideas? Feel free to join our WhatsApp group and ask around, we would love to help you!",
   "button_dismiss": "Ready to get started",
   "button_action": {
      "text": "Join us on WhatsApp",
      "link": ""
