CollabBlock / SmartSchool

School Management System but its more than just management.
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Revisions @ viva #8

Open hammadsaedi opened 1 month ago

hammadsaedi commented 1 month ago


farehiqbal commented 1 month ago

Due you have any clue of why the students are not showing in the reports? They are fine in the students tab. Did you try using useFocus so it always repaints and reloads the data?

Can you push some dummy data for the marks history of students ? This would take so little do develop the functionality.

hammadsaedi commented 1 month ago

@farehiqbal I double-checked we're using useFocus. That was not a delay. It was an oversight as newly added student got inserted at the 5th or 6th line due to our custom sorting algorithm. I hope it resolves 1.

hammadsaedi commented 1 month ago

@farehiqbal I'll populate marks history data tonight with updated schema. Ty.

P.S: I'll make sure, there will be minimal change in existing database schema / UI.

hammadsaedi commented 4 weeks ago

I've pushed data in the existing schema for marks history.

Key Points

Below is the code that does the magic.

  const classes = ['Nursery', 'Prep', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8'];

  (async function pushMarksHistory() {
      try {
          const batch = writeBatch(db);
          const marksSnapshot = await getDocs(collection(db, "marks"));
          for (const marksDoc of {
              const marksData =;
              const className = (typeof marksData.class === 'string') ? marksData.class : marksData.class.toString();
              const classIndex = classes.indexOf(className);

              if (classIndex === -1) {
                  console.error(`Class name ${className} not found in the predefined classes list.`);

              for (let index = classIndex - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
                  const historyRef = doc(db, "marks",, "history", classes[index]);
                  const classRef = doc(db, "classes", classes[index]);
                  const classDoc = await getDoc(classRef);

                  if (!classDoc.exists()) {
                      console.error(`Class document for ${classes[index]} not found.`);

                  const classData =;
                  const marks = {
                      "first": {},
                      "mid": {},
                      "final": {}
                  delete classData.timetable;
                  Object.keys(classData).forEach(key => {
                      if (key === "Computer") {
                          marks["first"][key] = [Math.floor(Math.random() * (35 - 15 + 1)) + 15, Math.floor(Math.random() * (15 - 10 + 1)) + 10];
                          marks["mid"][key] = [Math.floor(Math.random() * (35 - 15 + 1)) + 15, Math.floor(Math.random() * (15 - 10 + 1)) + 10];
                          marks["final"][key] = [Math.floor(Math.random() * (70 - 35 + 1)) + 35, Math.floor(Math.random() * (30 - 15 + 1)) + 15];
                      } else {
                          marks["first"][key] = Math.floor(Math.random() * (50 - 25 + 1)) + 25;
                          marks["mid"][key] = Math.floor(Math.random() * (50 - 25 + 1)) + 25;
                          marks["final"][key] = Math.floor(Math.random() * (100 - 50 + 1)) + 50;
                  batch.set(historyRef, marks);
                  console.log(`Updated document ${} with history for class ${classes[index]}`);
          await batch.commit();
          console.log("All documents added successfully!");
      } catch (e) {
          console.error("Error getting students with associated classes: ", e);

Simple Data


hammadsaedi commented 4 weeks ago

Current Marks

I've added history button in right side of header.

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Marks History

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-06 at 22 42 03_42ac61cb