CollaboraOnline / online

Collabora Online is a collaborative online office suite based on LibreOffice technology. This is also the source for the Collabora Office apps for iOS and Android.
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Push images for arm64 #1412

Closed wreed4 closed 1 year ago

wreed4 commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to run the docker images on a raspberrypi 4 and it seems it does not work. I get

exec format error
wreed4 commented 3 years ago

I also seem unable to build it myself..

Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.lCWMRVY73m/ --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 0C54D189F4BA284D
gpg: key 0C54D189F4BA284D: 1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 0C54D189F4BA284D: public key "Collabora Productivity <>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1                                                                           
gpg:               imported: 1                                                                           
Hit:1 bionic InRelease          
Hit:2 bionic-updates InRelease     
Hit:3 bionic-backports InRelease              
Hit:4 bionic-security InRelease                
Get:5  InRelease [1728 B]
Get:6  Packages [23.2 kB]
Fetched 24.9 kB in 2s (10.3 kB/s)                                                                        
Reading package lists...                                                                                 
Reading package lists...                                                                                 
Building dependency tree...                                                                              
Reading state information...                                                                             
Package loolwsd is not available, but is referred to by another package.    
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or            
is only available from another source                                                                    

E: Package 'loolwsd' has no installation candidate                                                       
E: Unable to locate package collaboraoffice6.4-dict*                                                 
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'collaboraoffice6.4-dict*'           
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'collaboraoffice6.4-dict*'           
E: Unable to locate package collaboraofficebasis6.4-ar           
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'collaboraofficebasis6.4-ar'                                        
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'collaboraofficebasis6.4-ar'                                       
E: Unable to locate package collaboraofficebasis6.4-as           
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'collaboraofficebasis6.4-as' 
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'collaboraofficebasis6.4-as'
E: Unable to locate package collaboraofficebasis6.4-ast  
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'collaboraofficebasis6.4-ast'  
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'collaboraofficebasis6.4-ast'                                      
E: Unable to locate package collaboraofficebasis6.4-bg                  
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'collaboraofficebasis6.4-bg'                  
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'collaboraofficebasis6.4-bg'                  
E: Unable to locate package collaboraofficebasis6.4-bn-in
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'collaboraofficebasis6.4-bn-in'                                     
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'collaboraofficebasis6.4-bn-in'
E: Unable to locate package collaboraofficebasis6.4-br      
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'collaboraofficebasis6.4-br'                                        
chown: invalid user: ‘lool:lool’
chown: invalid user: ‘lool:lool’
The command '/bin/sh -c bash' returned a non-zero code: 1

the redhat build errors similarly.

EDIT: I missed a step in the docker README. I don't have a key. trying for building from source.

wget commented 3 years ago

@wreed4 Hi William (Oh, another William :) ). TL;DR: Please wait, we are working on it.

While you can find some images online built for ARM, even if they aren't labeled as it, these can be considered as development versions. We are not quite ready for prime time yet. So please consider ARM and ARM64 as unsupported architectures for the time being.

But rest assured, we are coming and will be announcing support for this shortly :) Don't hesitate to follow us on our social media (e.g. Twitter) or follow our blog to know the first when this will be announced.

wreed4 commented 3 years ago

thanks @wget (nice username :p ) this is good to know. I'm happy waiting for the primetime, assuming it's weeks or months, not years :). Do you happen to have any links to the dev versions though? I've been searching for days. I'm trying to use nextcloud with collabora on a handful or RaspberryPi's running a kubernetes cluster. At this point, I'm really just trying to evaluate collabora as a gsuite replacement, but the only means I have is my rpi cluster. If it has some issues, I'm okay for now, but it would be great to get it working. for the life of me, I cannot seem to in any configuration I find :laughing:

yllekz commented 3 years ago

Following, as I'm looking for a good Docker image for my Pi 4B that can do self-hosted document editing in a web browser.

wget commented 3 years ago

@wreed4 Haha ;P That's just my initials lightly tweaked to make it look like the UNIX command ^^

It's definitely not a story of years. Following how the commits go wrt. the ARM64 port, that's definitely something for max. a few months.

@yllekz You can already try the ARM64 port although like said previously it is currently not ready for prime time and your mileage may vary. Also please note the link above is the built-in server which is best tailored for small structures/tests, etc., using a dedicated instance of Collabora Online (when it will be ready) is still the recommended way :) There is no ARM64 docker image port for now.

wget commented 3 years ago

We have been discussing this forum page in today's marketing talk:

So the announcement is in the pipeline with the latest fixes coming along if applicable :)

yllekz commented 3 years ago

Thanks. Do you have any roadmap for arm32? The 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS is still new and not fully released as far as I am aware.

mmeeks commented 3 years ago

ARM32 is much more of a challenge, size-wise our binaries are quite large - and they really like to address a chunk of storage virtually - I don't believe we support x86 32bit either for this reason and the maintenance cost. Of course if someone wants to play with / get this setup and contribute their own images - we can help to promote them =)

WhiteBahamut commented 3 years ago

So the announcement for Collabora on ARM is out, any news on when the image gets arm(64) support? :)

Thatoo commented 2 years ago

Any update on this matter? I can read that an arm package has been released for ubuntu 18.04 in here What about Debian 10 and 11 and Ubuntu 20.04?

timur-g commented 1 year ago

This is old issue that started for arm64 docker image - but it was out 2 years ago and regular since. So I close this. Thatoo opened the other issue referenced here.