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Generic Calc performance ticket #6893

Open mmeeks opened 1 year ago

mmeeks commented 1 year ago

Editing just now on staging with a larger group we got a number of problems with calc performance that should be improved.

perf-23 05-calc

Oddly we were getting large memory consumption for a smallish spreadsheet too - perhaps related to clipboads:

PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 32675 cool 20 0 20.003t 2.904g 343088 R 103.0 9.263 6:31.37 kitbroker_012

which is really unexpected.

mmeeks commented 7 months ago

The trace has lots of comedic waste in it: calc-trace-2024-02-08.txt.gz I'll file some tickets for that.

caolanm commented 7 months ago


second half of session

caolanm commented 7 months ago


todays ad-hoc call

mmeeks commented 7 months ago

ScXMLExport::collectAutoStyles looks like something that does far too much work - fouled up by the UNO interface there too I guess; 11% of the profile and ~half of saving time; @grandinj did you look at that call-site ever? =)

caolanm commented 7 months ago

various profiles of todays calc session perf-357585 perf-357796 perf-359184

mmeeks commented 7 months ago

Filed - for the expensive theme color notification thrash, and for yet more note export waste.

caolanm commented 7 months ago

perf-459395 perf-460766

flamegraphs from todays ad-hoc calc test, strongly dominated by chart related activity

caolanm commented 6 months ago


todays calc profile

caolanm commented 6 months ago


todays ad-hoc calc session

mmeeks commented 6 months ago

Hmm; the previous profile is back to that huge allocation for ScTableInfo::ScTableInfo - which is odd; I thought we clobbered that, and ScBoundsProvider::Compute seems very hungry. This last one - is still plagued by the ScColumn::HasCellNotes expense @kohei-us wondered if you've seen any of these ? =)

Seems checking our note-storage for emptiness with: if (maCellNotes.block_size() == 1 && maCellNotes.begin()->type == sc::element_type_empty) return false; // all elements are empty is rather more expensive than expected around the .begin()->type - there is a perhaps faster empty() method there but - I guess the multi_type_vector always has one element which is 'empty' is that a good idea (?) =) Thanks!

caolanm commented 6 months ago

What we ended up with for ScTableInfo was to make it a hint anywhere we "traditionally" defaulted to 1024 rows before so that after we maxed at 1024 if 1024 was what we used before.

But for cases like where we had an explicit size passed in then we continue to use an explicit requested size (i.e. hint is false). So I think this case is the above line where we "always" used an explicit large range (and this is drawing a range with all rows hidden from some point downwards I think). Not sure if there is an obvious calculation for what the max number of visible rows can be drawn there is, or if its safe to stick some reasonable by largish max there too for that explicit rows requested case.

kohei-us commented 6 months ago

Hmm; the previous profile is back to that huge allocation for ScTableInfo::ScTableInfo - which is odd; I thought we clobbered that, and ScBoundsProvider::Compute seems very hungry. This last one - is still plagued by the ScColumn::HasCellNotes expense @kohei-us wondered if you've seen any of these ? =)

I haven't profiled Calc in years! But maybe this will help:

caolanm commented 6 months ago


todays calc profile (dominated by chart drawing)

grandinj commented 6 months ago

On 2/29/2024 2:09 PM, Caolán McNamara wrote:

todays calc profile (dominated by chart drawing)

There is a still a chunk of memset in RenderTiles::doRender that looks unnecessary, but last time I tried to get rid of it, unit tests broke in weird places.

grandinj commented 6 months ago

What we ended up with for ScTableInfo was to make it a hint anywhere we "traditionally" defaulted to 1024 rows before so that after we maxed at 1024 if 1024 was what we used before.

Possibly we should ScTableInfo use a std::vector instead of a fixed array length, and adjust size as needed. Then we can pass in a hint like I did initially (and the hint will be wrong if there are hidden rows), but it will just adjust size as needed. That will be slower for some cases (with hidden rows), but faster for all other cases.

caolanm commented 6 months ago


ad-hoc calc session with lots of tab-moving

caolanm commented 6 months ago

This weeks calc profile


caolanm commented 6 months ago


todays profile, I imagine the calendar swapping is not typical workload

caolanm commented 6 months ago

I'll put calc 24.04 flamegraphs at:

caolanm commented 5 months ago


Todays 23.05 flamegraph. There looks to be a lot of chart updating, which fits with what we saw visually wrt auto-updating chart from random numbers. And there is a lot of calendar switching, (Gregorian to Hebrew?) which I imagine is not normal workload.

caolanm commented 5 months ago

A follow up session on a document without constant chart updates or unusual number format


mmeeks commented 5 months ago

20% of the time in ScTable::FindMaxRotCol - is not a great score ;-) ( aggregated across many different callers manually - 4.8%+5.2%+5.5%+1.3%+3.3% etc.)

caolanm commented 4 months ago


calc 23.05 profile ah hoc testing

caolanm commented 4 months ago


2nd half of calc 23.05 session

caolanm commented 4 months ago


and follow up calc 23.05 test without copy and paste which was more performant