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Collabora Online is a collaborative online office suite based on LibreOffice technology. This is also the source for the Collabora Office apps for iOS and Android.
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UnitPerf CSV generation #9276

Open mmeeks opened 2 weeks ago

mmeeks commented 2 weeks ago

We have a rudimentary performance unit test in tests/UnitPerf.cpp

It generates some numbers - and histogram and so on - which are pretty;

But we want to start capturing and logging that data in a form we can easily re-use, consume and chart - and/or at least monitor.

If you make 'testPerf' fail - by crashing it 'assert(false);' or somesuch; then the Makefile will kindly remind you of how to run just this one test - which is what you want.

Then - it would be ideal to have a set of CSV files - and prolly we should do this in the normal unit tests anyway for good measure and we should in each case use the git hash as the primary key / first item.

We should prolly split CPU, vs, Latency vs. Network - and generate 3x separate CSVs.

CPU should have the run-time in it, and as we go forward - more and more accurate CPU metrics - ideally from the libpfm API not the SysStopwatch class. But for now just getting something we can graph is key.

For Latency - we have a histogram we should horizontal-ize into CSV

And for Network - we should dump incoming & outgoing bandwidth, and then have some defined column headers for each type of thing, and dump the breakdown there so we can see it over time. I expect bandwidth to be the most reliable indicator here - and the others to jitter unhelpfully between runs =)

@Minion3665 can help with code pointers I expect.

Thanks !

amkarn258 commented 1 week ago

Hi @mmeeks ,

Please assign this to me if no one else is assigned yet. I would like to contribute

mmeeks commented 1 week ago

Hi Mayank - thanks so much for getting involved! I filed this for an intern - Elliot over the summer - but as long as you commit your code to a branch regularly, no doubt you could work together with him to improve this :-) I don't expect Elliot to start looking at this for another week or so - so - go for it ! =)

mmeeks commented 44 minutes ago

Elliot's work merged here:

mmeeks commented 41 minutes ago

@elliotfreebairn1 so - some other thoughts for expansion:

  1. how jittery are the numbers - for the same commit ? can you do some stats on that & build a nice spreadsheet & attach here ?
  2. can we record other interactive traces - and/or refresh the traces we have to make them re-playable, I suspect our existing traces are rather out of date
  3. can we connect more traces into the performance testing framework; ideally we'd generate different metrics for each of them has some examples of how that might look - and we could re-use / build on that framework.

Thanks ! =)

elliotfreebairn1 commented 20 minutes ago

@mmeeks For the 1st point, do you mean running the same unit tests on this device a fair few times and analysing the variations in the data?